The Alexander City
Council approved a nearly $1.5 million budget for 2017 at its first
regular meeting of the year Monday evening. This is the first regular
meeting held by the new council after the November General Election.
The deadline for passing the budget is February 1.
The new budget
estimates revenue for the general fund at $1,233,170.00. There is a
carryover of $185,761.00 from 2016 giving a total of $1,418,931.00.
Total general fund expenses are estimated at $1,266,380.00 leaving a
surplus of $152,561.00. The expenses include an estimated $950,000.00
from two one-cent sales taxes that are distributed from the general
fund to the fire, police and park funds as required in referendums
approved by voters in the early 2000s. That’s $950,000 not
available for the general fund.
The street
department, which is funded by a portion of the state fuel tax and
the road tax from Pulaski and Saline counties, has estimated revenue
of $246,950.00. With $444,409.00 left over from 2016 the fund has a
total of $691,359.00. Total estimated expenses are $276,613.00, which
leaves an estimated surplus balance of $414,746.00.
The police
department receives most of its revenue from the sales tax and from
bonds and fines. The estimated revenue for 2017 is $365,650.00.
Adding to that a surplus of $166,606.00 from 2016 the police
department budget has a total of $532,256.00. Estimated expenses for
2017 total $387,394.00 leaving $144,862.00. This includes the
purchase of four new police vehicles for $100,000.00, cash.
The fire department
has an estimated revenue totaling $555,346.00. Most of that is from
the sales tax. At the end of 2016 there was $3,774.00 left over
giving the fire department fund a total of $559,090.00. Total
estimated expenses for 2017 are $457,974.30 leaving a surplus balance
of $101,115.70.
Finally, the parks
department, which is funded mostly through the sales tax, is
estimated to have revenue in 2017 totaling $121,050.00. At the end of
2016 there was $304,064.00 left over giving the fund a total of
$425,114.00. Total expenses are estimated at $203,970.00. That leaves
a surplus of $221,144.00.
Also at the January
23 meeting;
An ordinance
annexing approximately 3.27 acres into the city was approved by
council members. The additional acreage is part of a renovation and
expansion project by owners of My
Ample Storage, located
along Highway 5 near Alexander Road.
widening of Highway 5, between Alexander and Bryant, requires moving
the front wall and some storage units. A parking area will also be
included in the renovation along
with the construction of an indoor storage facility.
Currently, all of the
storage units are accessed from outside.
This was the third
public meeting for the annexation ordinance. An ordinance must be
read three times at three public meetings unless two-thirds of the
council votes to suspend the second or third readings. Council
members voted to suspend the third reading then approved passage of
the ordinance. Since all annexed land is automatically zoned
residential the next step is to rezone the 3.27 acres to commercial
Organization of Alexander City Council 2017 was
approved. It serves as a manual which establishes rules concerning
how council meetings will be conducted, the forming and staffing of
committees and how to notify the public when a council or committee
meeting is scheduled. The date of regular monthly council meetings,
which was part of the manual in the past, is now covered by an
ordinance approved in 2016.
The council
voted to accept the results of the 2016 General Election held
November 8 and the runoff election held November 29.
The next
meeting of the Alexander City Council will be held at 6 PM Monday,
February 27. The meeting will be held in the courtroom in the City
Municipal Complex across from the post office. The public is invited
to attend.