
Saturday, February 26, 2022

Approval of new Alexander ward lines expected Monday

The third and final public reading of an ordinance to redraw the boundary lines of the four Alexander wards is on the agenda for the City Council’s Monday night meeting. Also on the agenda is a request to purchase a diesel generator.

The redistricting ordinance will redraw the city’s ward lines to provide a more even balance of the number of residents living in each ward based on the 2020 Census. Under state law the population of the wards must be plus-or-minus five-percent of each other.

Mayor Paul Mitchell will ask council members to approve appropriating $9,000.00 for the purchase of a diesel generator. The generator is needed to power the police department’s new command center trailer, which was recently acquired at no cost.

The meeting is scheduled for Monday, February 28, 6:00 PM in the courtroom at the Alexander Municipal Complex (City Hall). The public is invited to attend.

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