
Friday, December 13, 2024

No new sewer connections in South Alexander; For now

The Saline County Waterworks Sanitary Sewer Public Facilities Board (SCWSS) has, “[S]topped all new sewer connections,” according to a report by Alexander Planning Commission Chairman Michael Huck. The order is based on a report from the Arkansas Department Environmental Quality (ADEQ). SCWSS provides water and sewer service to the southern area of Alexander, formerly known as Woodland Hills.

Since Woodland Hills was voluntarily annexed into Alexander in 2006, the area’s population has grown. Besides new residents building on lots that were never occupied since the establishment of the subdivision, which started in the 1970s, a new subdivision forced an upgrade to the sewer plant. Before the Meadow’s Edge Subdivision could connect to the SCWSS sewer system, the developer had to pay for upgrades to the sewer plant.

Huck provided details during his report to Alexander Planning Commission members at their December 10 meeting.

“So they have already stopped all new sewer connections until they can expand the sewer plant,” Huck said. “But they will turn back on any ... lots that already have a water and sewer connection.”

A lot that has an unoccupied structure that can be lived in, or needs to be replaced, can have the water meter turned on. Also, a lot that’s been cleaned of all structures, but still has water and sewer connections are not affected by the ban.

This won’t be the first upgrade to the sewer plant. Before the Meadow’s Edge upgrade, about 20 years ago, a sewer plant upgrade was funded by a $1 Million bond issue. A search for funding sources, preferably grants, is underway.

Cell tower up

Huck also reported to commission members the cell tower, which was approved by the Planning Commission and Alexander City Council in October 2023, has been erected. The cell tower is located next to the SCWSS sewer plant along Brookwood Road. Verizon will be the primary cell service provider using the tower.

Annual business completed

The primary purpose of the last meeting of the year was to approve the Planning Commission’s By-Laws and to select officers for 2025. After approving the 2025 By-Laws Jennifer Plunkett was elected Secretary, Tonya Prowse was elected Vice-Chair and Michael Huck was re-elected as Chair.

Next meeting

The next meeting of the Alexander Planning Commission is Tuesday, January 14 at 6:30 PM. Meetings are held in the courtroom at the Alexander Municipal Complex (City Hall). Meetings are open to the public.