
Thursday, March 6, 2025

Two positions available on Alexander Planning Commission

During his report to the Alexander City Council at the February meeting, Planning Commission Chairman Michael Huck announced that the terms of two planning commission seats expire April 6. One of the three-year terms is currently held by Council Member Juanita Wilson. The other is held by Huck.

It is expected the council will appoint another council member for the position held by Wilson. The Organization of City Council policy requires council members to annually take turns on standing committees and commissions.

This leaves only one seat to be filled by a resident of Alexander who is not connected to city government, including employees. The only other requirement is that you be of voting age. Anyone wanting to submit a resume requesting to be considered for the position and providing relevant information about themselves, may deliver it to the Alexander Municipal Complex during regular business hours, mail it to City of Alexander / P.O. Box 610 / Alexander, AR 72002, or E-mail it to Mayor Crystal Herrmann at

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

FUN Grant Failed, a New Trail and Guardrails

Now that Alexander has failed twice to receive a grant for new playground equipment in the City Park, Mayor Crystal Herrmann has decided the city will have to dip into the Park and Recreation Fund if the playground is ever going to be updated. The second attempt was made in June of 2024, but this time Alexander tried using the expertise provided by the Arkansas Community and Economic Development Program. In 2024 the city council established the Central Arkansas Planning and Development District as grants administrator for the city.

Alexander first applied for a FUN Park grant in 2023 and met all the criteria to receive the grant, scoring 32 out of 32 points. Unfortunately, Alexander was not at the top of the list when it came time to disburse the limited funds. Herrmann told council members at the time only five grant requests were approved. Apparently, history has repeated itself.

The FUN Park grant is provided by the Arkansas Department of Parks, Heritage and Tourism. The grant funds 100-percent of a project with no matching funds provided by the city.

“I'm going to sit down this next week and I'm going to go through the budget,” Herrmann said at the February 25 meeting. “I was going to lay out a couple of things that maybe we could get a couple of pieces [of playground equipment] that [will] move [us] forward without a grant.”

According to the financial report for the end of January, 2025 the park fund had a total of $205,011.60. The Park and Recreation Fund receives two-eighths-cent (or one-quarter-cent) from one of the three one-cent city sales and use taxes approved by voters in three separate referendums.

On the bright side, the walking trail is under construction. The 1/8-mile trail winds through the playground in the City Park.

Trail outlined in black lines.
In June, 2024 the City of Alexander was awarded a $96,990 grant to fund the six-foot wide trail, benches and engineering design. The grant covers 100-percent of the cost of the trail.

Funding for the grant program was acquired from Arkansas's Tobacco Settlement Fund and funneled through the Arkansas Department of Parks and Tourism. This is part of reviving the Great Strides program, which was stopped in 2017.

For those of you who drive Brookwood Road you may have noticed a change and a new addition. The guardrail on one side of the S-Curve that crosses Crooked Creek has been repaired, again. Another guardrail has been added along Brookwood Road as it turns to cross the railroad tracks. Vehicles have been known to drop head first into the creek after crossing the tracks when the road surface is slick.

“At this point, I think all of the [police] officers will be advised that that (guardrail) is city property damage and that there should be a ticket issued,” Herrmann said. “So we can actually get the very expensive guardrail replaced by the person's insurance.”

2024 Budget Amended

Under New Business council members approved a resolution that puts the finishing touches to the 2024 Budget. With final numbers available the resolution provided 11 pages of changes to budget line items. The changes resulted in amending the final budgeted revenue and expenditures and actual revenue and expenditures. Included are the account balances provided at the January meeting for the end of 2024.

General Fund

Budgeted Revenue - $1,251,251.00
Actual Revenue- $3,194,413.25

Budgeted Expenditures - $1,010,785.00

Actual Expenditures - $723,430.33
End 2024 Account Balance - $2,275,005.94

Police Fund

Budgeted Revenue - $925,650.00
Actual Revenue - $828,665.37

Budgeted Expenditures - $946,523.00

Actual Expenditures - $827,124.33
End 2024 Account Balance - $190,932.74

Fire Fund

Budgeted Revenue - $1,007,750.00
Actual Revenue - $1,114,678.22

Budgeted Expenditures - $1,006,892.43

Actual Expenditures - $961,311.57
End 2024 Account Balance - $410,104.13

Street Fund

Budgeted Revenue - $298,200.00
Actual Revenue - $342,116.35

Budgeted Expenditures - $295,830.00

Actual Expenditures - $264,257.37
End 2024 Account Balance - $154,230.37

Parks Fund

Budgeted Revenue - $256,050.00
Actual Revenue - $236,301.07

Budgeted Expenditures - $255,380.00

Actual Expenditures - $202,963.64
End 2024 Account Balance - $206,656.88

Organization rules adopted

Alexander council members approved a second resolution adopting The Organization of City Council 2025. The document is a set of rules, which controls how council meetings will be conducted. The document is adopted annually and covers the current calendar year.

Also at the February 25 council meeting:

Reports from department heads;

Police Report

Council members were introduced to the new Police Chief, Timothy Preator. Preator replaces former Police Chief Robert Burnett who was fired by Mayor Crystal Herrmann following the Alexander City Council’s December meeting. Also fired were Assistant Chief Jessica Burnett and Administrative Sergeant Hobby.

Before giving the monthly police report Chief Preator introduced the police officers who were in attendance.

“We got newly promoted Sergeant Chris Myers,” Preator began. “Some of y'all will love this one. Newly promoted Sergeant Alan Tires. And we got the officer of Sergeant Officer Burgess, Officer Shaw, Officer Frisbee.”

“We have two new people that are going to start on the third,” he continued. “There will be Amy Lockaby and Melissa Strick, a stringer that comes out of Darlin County.

“Last month we answered 135 calls for service,” Preator said as he began the monthly report. “Out of those 135 calls we did 32 reports, 78 traffic stops, 43 citations issued, 35 warnings, six warrants served, three DWI arrests, one felony arrest, six misdemeanor arrests, and we did 1,055 extra patrols to the city to make sure that we were seen.”

Fire Report

Fire Chief Ryan McCormick provided a brief monthly report on fire calls and then moved on to the latest training sessions. Also, Alexander is now part of a Saline County urban-search team.

“We ran 78 emergency fire calls throughout the past month (January),” McCormick said. “Next month, we have some additional house training that we're doing,” on “road rescue training or advanced rescue.”

Alexander Fire and Rescue, and two other departments, will form, “[A]n urban search team for … specialized type of incidents such as trench rescues, water rescues, road rescues,” McCormick added.

Alexander is also training for situations involving hazardous materials.

“[A] part of our training was to sit out on the interstate ... off the side of the road with our fire truck and look at what type of ... materials that come up and down the interstate,” McCormick said. “The placards that are on the 18-wheelers, you would never understand what type of hazardous materials that are traveling up and down the road every day, not just that but also on the railroad.”

Code Enforcement and Animal Control Report

Alexander Council Members were able to meet the new Code Enforcement and Animal Control Officer Jamie Jordan. She was hired in January but was unavailable to attend that month’s meeting.

Jordan says she’s learning the ordinances, learning the streets and trying to deal with the easy cleanup problems. She’s also making a list of the larger cleanup issues.

“Started issuing out some red tags,” Jordan said. [I’m] “kind of trying to get some of the easy clean up stuff cleaned up, [and] responded to some dog calls.”

Jordan said she’s looking for “some training opportunities” and is talking to officials in the larger cities like Little Rock and Bryant to learn from them.

“We put together an enforcement control Facebook page to kind of help educate the community on leash laws and overall ordinances” and required permits, Jordan said.

One business was found operating without a privilege license.

January Financial Report

City Treasurer Jennifer Hill provided a summary of end of January account balances.

“[Y]our General Fund is at $1,422,273.05 cents,” she began. “Your Police Fund is at $116,887.54 cents. Your fire is at $300,378.78 cents. Parks is at $205,011.60 cents. Your streets are at $232,856.45 cents.”

Mayor’s Report

Inspection of former hospital takes another step

Alexander is one step closer to applying for a grant to either remove any hazardous materials from the former hospital at the closed Alexander Human Development Center (HDC), or raze the building. Be it a small step.

Mayor Crystal Herrmann has been attempting to acquire a Brownfield grant in order to make the HDC property safe for development. The grant program is funded by the EPA.

Herrmann said officials with the Central Arkansas Development District (CADD) came out on the 20th (February), “[A]nd did their first site assessment where they assessed the property and then put ... their work plan together for doing all the testing and the inspections.”

In 2024 the Alexander Council approved giving the CADD temporary ownership of the hospital. CADD has the required credentials, a municipality does not have, to conduct the testing needed to proceed with the grant request.

Herrmann said, “We have started seeing movement.”

According to the EPA website, "A brownfield is a property, the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse of which may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant." The expectation is the hospital building contains asbestos, lead paint and potentially other unknown hazards.

The HDC property, along Highway 111, was originally built as a tuberculosis sanitarium for African-Americans. Eventually it was converted into a home for adults with special needs that required care and training from professionals.

When the Arkansas Department of Human Services no longer had a use for the property, and no other state agency had a use for it, it was deeded to Alexander in 2018. Under state law the property could not be sold to an individual. It could only be taken over by another government entity such as a municipality or county.

Metroplan offers grant to convert street lights to LED

Mayor Herrmann reported on a grant program offered by Metroplan that will pay to convert Alexander’s street lights from the current bulbs being used to LEDs. Street lights are installed, maintained and powered by Entergy.

“It would be a $12,000 a year savings if we get this grant,” Herrmann said. “And our city will be a lot brighter.”

Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Alexander City Council is Monday, March 17, at 6:00 pm in the courtroom of the Alexander Municipal Complex (City Hall). Meetings are open to the public.

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Alexander, Arkansas shooting suspect arrested in Oklahoma

The search for Alexander, Arkansas resident Jose Buezo (23), ended up crossing state lines, when he was recently captured in Oklahoma. Buezo was wanted in connection with a January 18 shooting at 15711 Shirley Drive in Alexander. The incident occurred around 10:19 PM.

Cropped photo of
Jose Buezo 
used in
press releases.
At the Alexander city council’s February 25 meeting, newly appointed Police Chief Timothy Preator reported on the capture of Buezo.

“We did have one significant event last month,” Preator said. “We had an isolated shooting event. That subject (Buezo) has been captured.”

“He was captured in Oklahoma,” Preator continued. “That investigation is ongoing but the charges are pending.”

At the time of the council meeting Buezo was being housed in the Saline County Jail. He no longer appears on the inmate roster.

According to a press release issued by the Alexander Police Department after the shooting, “Officers arrived on scene and located two female victims inside the residence, one of which suffered multiple gunshot wounds. The Alexander Fire Department and Pafford Medical Services responded to the scene. Both victims were treated and transported to a local hospital for further treatment.”

“Saline County Sheriffs Office Criminal Investigation Division responded to the scene to conduct the investigation at the request of the Alexander Police Department,” the press release stated.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Former Alexander Council Member Andy Mullins dies, 92

(Updated: 02-28-2025)

Andy Martin Mullins, Jr., 92, of Alexander, Arkansas was born on Sunday, March 13, 1932, to Andy Martin Mullins, Sr. and Lillie Ruby (Nichols) Mullins. He left this world a very loved man on Tuesday, February 25, 2025, surrounded by love.

Mullins represented Ward-2 a total of four years in two separate terms. He first served from January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2012. He was then re-elected in 2014 serving from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2016. Prior to the annexation of Woodland Hills to the City of Alexander, Mullins was a member of the Woodland Hills Fire District Board.

His celebration of life will be held on Friday, March 7, 2025, at 2:00 P.M. with his visitation one hour prior at Dial and Dudley Funeral Home. He will be laid to rest following his service at Pinecrest Memorial Park.

Dial and Dudley Funeral Home

Monday, January 27, 2025

Alexander City Park trail bids received

Bids for a walking trail, to be built through the playground in Alexander City Park, are under review. Mayor Crystal Herrmann announced during the city’s January 21 council meeting, “I'm happy to report that the Richardson Engineering ... received several bid packages.”

“They're going over each bid that we received,” the Mayor continued. “They're going to do an apples and apples check and confirm the pricing. And then once they have that thorough look over, they will return us a name, ... the name of the contractor.”

In June, 2024 the City of Alexander was awarded a grant to build a 1/8-mile walking trail in the City Park. The $96,990 grant will be used to fund a six-foot wide trail, benches and engineering design. The grant will cover 100-percent of the cost of a trail that will encircle the park's playground. The city council approved applying for the grant in 2023. (See proposed trail design below.)

Funding for the grant program was acquired from Arkansas's Tobacco Settlement Fund and funneled through the Arkansas Department of Parks and Tourism. This is part of reviving the Great Strides program, which was stopped in 2017.

Engineer's rendition of proposed trail.

Also in the Mayor’s report:

New Hires

Jamie Jordan has been hired as the new code enforcement officer. The previous Code Enforcement/Animal Control Officer Daniel Wyatt resigned in September, 2024.

Two new police officers have been hired. Officer Myers is making has returned to take on a part-time roll. He'll be helping to fill-in for officers taking vacation and sick leave. The other new hire is Officer Burgess who will be working full-time.

Saline County Library

For those of you who use the Saline County Library kiosk in front of the Alexander Municipal Complex, and find it not working, it’s only temporary. According to Herrmann it’s due for a software update and will be working again soon.

Herrmann also reported on a grant being offered by the Saline County Library. It’s a $2,000 grant program to fund community classes.

English Spanish Classes

Indian Springs Baptist Church has plans to conduct English Spanish classes in March. The classes will be held at Community Center #2. More information will be available later.

Community Closet

Mayor Herrmann announced Gina Littlejohn and Octavia Lance are interested in starting a community closet. “So we'll be having (an) upcoming meeting about that as well.” Littlejohn is the former council member representing Ward-2.

American Legion and flags

“So I've reached out to the American Legions (Alexander Post 28) and they have agreed for (sic) the important task of raising and lowering our flags during holidays and flag occasions,” Mayor Herrmann said “They will be coming to City Hall and the City Park and they will stay on top of our flag schedule.” She also said flags will be replaced when necessary.

Next Meeting

Due to a Federal Holiday occurring on a regular meeting day, the next meeting of the Alexander City Council is Tuesday, February 18, at 6:00 pm in the courtroom of the Alexander Municipal Complex (City Hall). Meetings are open to the public.

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Alexander shooting suspect still at-large

After one week, a suspect in an Alexander shooting has not been found. The Alexander Police Department (APD) and Saline County Sheriff’s Office (SCSO) are searching for Jose Buezo in connection to a shooting at 15711 Shirley Drive in Alexander. APD responded to the call on January 18 at 10:19 PM. Both departments consider him to be “armed and dangerous.”

According to a press release issued by the Alexander Police Department, “Officers arrived on scene and located two female victims inside the residence, one of which suffered multiple gunshot wounds. The Alexander Fire Department and Pafford Medical Services responded to the scene. Both victims were treated and transported to a local hospital for further treatment.”

“Saline County Sheriffs Office Criminal Investigation Division responded to the scene to conduct the investigation at the request of the Alexander Police Department,” the press release stated.

Jose Buezo (23) is described as 5' 6", 150 lbs, a Hispanic male, black hair, brown eyes, with two scars above his right eyebrow and tattoos on both arms. At the time of the shooting he was wearing a dark blue or navy jacket and dark jeans.

Anyone with information on Buezo's whereabouts are encouraged to contact Detective Grogan at (501) 303-5608 Monday - Friday 8 AM to 4:30 PM or, Contact the SCSO NON-EMERGENCY number at (501) 303-5648 24 Hrs.

Also, the APD recommends if anyone sees Buezo, “DO NOT ATTEMPT TO MAKE CONTACT, call 911 immediately!!!!”

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Attempt to overturn Alexander Mayor’s firing of police chief fails

 (UPDATED 1/24/2025: Corrected vote by council.)

The Alexander City Council failed to veto Mayor Crystal Herrmann’s firing of former Police Chief Robert Burnett. The vote came after the council and mayor were in executive session for around 35-minutes.

The morning following the Alexander City Council’s December 16 meeting, Mayor Herrmann fired not only Robert Burnett, but Assistant Chief Jessica Burnett and Administrative Sergeant Jonathan Hobby as well.

In a press release Herrmann stated, “On December 17, 2024, the administration of the City of Alexander determined that the Alexander Police Department's administrative direction needed change and realignment. As a result of the new direction, Chief Robert Burnett, Assistant Chief Jessica Burnett, and Administrative Sargent Jonathan Hobby were terminated from the City of Alexander Police Department as their services were no longer needed within the Department.”

During the executive session one police officer was escorted by Herrmann into the private meeting. Burnett, however, was not asked to take part.

After the January 21 meeting was called back into session by Herrmann, Council Member Joy Gray explained what had just occurred.

“Basically, we have a meeting and executive session that is outside the view of the public, and then the discussion was on to whether or not to reinstate Chief Burnett,” Gray said.

She then directed a question to City Attorney Chris Madison concerning the next step.

“So what would happen is whenever the council is trying to overturn a mayor's decision, it would take a positive vote ... to reinstate Chief Burnett,” Madison said. “The second requires a two-thirds vote.”

In this case six of the eight council members would have to vote “Yes” to reinstate Burnett.

Council Member Mitchell W. Smith made the motion to reinstate Burnett. Council Member Juanita Wilson made the second.

Wilson voted “Yes.” Voting “No” were Gray, Daniel L. Bates, Angela Griffin, Amy Lyons, and Christopher Prowse. Joe Pollard was absent, which counts as a “No” vote. Smith abstained.

This may not be the last word on this issue. Both Burnetts were present at the meeting with their lawyer. Both their lawyer and Madison were seen talking during the executive session and after the council meeting had adjourned.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Saline County Sheriff’s Office issues “WANTED PERSON” bulletin in Alexander shooting

The Saline County Sheriff’s Office is searching for an Alexander resident in relationship to a shooting on Shirley Drive in Alexander. The shooting occurred Saturday, January 18.

“The Saline County Sheriffs Office is requesting the assistance with locating Mr. Jose Buezo of Alexander, Arkansas,” the bulletin states. “Mr. Buezo was last seen on January 18, 2025 leaving his residence located at 15711 Shirley Drive. Mr. Buezo Should be considered armed and dangerous.”

The name and description provided by the Sheriff’s Office is,

NAME: Jose Buezo

RACE: Hispanic
HAIR: Black
EYES: Brown
HEIGHT: 5' 6"
WEIGHT: 150 Ibs.

“Mr. Buezo has two scars above his right eyebrow and tattoos on both arms,” the description continues. “Mr. Buezo was last seen wearing a dark blue or navy jacket and dark Jeans.”

Anyone with information on Mr. Buezo's whereabouts is encouraged to contact Detective Grogan at (501) 303-5608 Monday - Friday 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM or, call the NON-EMERGENCY number at (501) 303-5648 24 HRS.

Two unnamed individuals were shot. Both victims were treated by Alexander firefighters and Pafford EMS staff at the scene. The condition of the victims is unknown at this time.

Alexander council meeting moved due to Federal Holiday

Due to the Federal Holiday honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is designated for the third Monday in January, the next regular meeting of the Alexander City Council will be held the following day, Tuesday, January 21, 2025. The meeting will be held at 6:00 PM in the courtroom at the Alexander Municipal Complex (City Hall). The meeting is open to the public.

Following the swearing-in of any remaining elected officials, who weren’t present at the January 2 swearing-in ceremony, the agenda lists only one item of business. Under New Business is listed, “Resolution adopting the Organization of City Council with Discussion.”

However, with the firing of the Police Chief, Assistant Police Chief and Administrative Sargent on the Tuesday after the December council meeting; there is the expectation of more to the meeting than just the single listed agenda item.

Alexander Police looking for shooting suspect

Sometime during the evening of January 18, the Alexander Police Department was called to the scene of gunshots heard on Shirley Drive. According to a Facebook post issued by the police department, “The subject is described as a Hispanic male, 5'7" thin build with tattoos on both arms wearing a navy or dark blue jacket and dark jeans. The subject is considered armed and dangerous. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO MAKE CONTACT, contact 911 immediately!!!!”

According to another Facebook post, by Alexander Fire/Rescue, firefighters were outside cleaning Engine 37, after returning from an earlier incident, “(W)hen they heard gun shots very close to the station. With in minutes, Engine 37 was dispatched to Shirley Drive for a reported (sic) Shooting.”

“Crews found 2 victims who were shot and began evaluating their conditions,” the post from Alexander Fire/Rescue continued. “Pafford Ambulance responded, ‘from our station’ and a (sic) additional ambulance and supervisor as well.”

Both victims were treated by Alexander firefighters and Pafford staff at the scene. The condition of the victims is unknown at this time.

Shirley Drive is in the southeast corner of Alexander. It connects Alton Drive to Regency Drive and continues until it ends near the Alexander southern city limit.

This is a developing story. Any additional information will be reported when it becomes available.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Alleged “Gang” member arrested on Alexander warrant

(Corrections to previous article, “Alexander Police arrest alleged ‘Gang’ member” published 1-7-2025 9:54 AM.)

In a previous article the Alexander Police Department was credited for the arrest of Tre’ Quan (Traquan) Marquis Langel, January 3, 2025, on felony charges. It has since been reported he was arrested on an Alexander warrant. The arresting department and circumstances of the arrest are unknown.

The warrant was issued after the Alexander City Council meeting on Monday, December 16, 2024. The warrant was the result of an investigation of a previous crime conducted by Assistant Chief Jessica Burnett. More information can be found here by scrolling down the article.

It was the next day that Mayor Crystal Herrmann fired Police Chief Robert Burnett, Assistant Chief Jessica Burnett and Administrative Sergeant Hobby. She stated in a letter the, “Alexander Police Department's administrative direction needed change and realignment.”

 Tre’ Quan (Traquan) Marquis
Langel Saline County Sheriff's
Dept. mug shot.
Langel was booked into the Saline County Sheriff’s Office Detention Center at 3:09 PM on January 3. According to the sheriff’s office website he was booked on “Terroristic Act - B Felony” with a Bond set at $4,500.00. Other charges filed without a bond were, “Criminal Mischief in the First Degree ($500.00 or More) – Felony, Possession of Firearm by Certain Persons – Felony, Engaging in Continuing Gang/Organization or Enterprise in the First Degree, and Engaging in Violent Criminal Group Activity (Enhancement).”

This is not Langel’s first brush with the law. According to the Deltaplex News in Pine Bluff, Langel was arrested September 7, 2022. However, the charges for his arrest are not listed.

Langel graduated from Pine Bluff High School in 2017. His last known address is in Pine Bluff.

Alexander Police arrest alleged “Gang” member

The Alexander Police Department arrested Tre’ Quan (Traquan) Marquis Langel January 3, 2025 on felony charges. Circumstances of the arrest are unknown.

Tre’ Quan (Traquan) Marquis
Langel Saline County Sheriff's
Dept. mug shot.
Langel was booked into the Saline County Sheriff's Office Detention Center at 3:09 PM on January 3. According to the sheriff's office website he was booked on "Terroristic Act - B Felony" with a Bond set at $4,500.00. Other charges filed without a bond were, “Criminal Mischief in the First Degree ($500.00 or More) – Felony, Possession of Firearm by Certain Persons – Felony, Engaging in Continuing Gang/Organization or Enterprise in the First Degree, and Engaging in Violent Criminal Group Activity (Enhancement).”

This is not Langel’s first brush with the law. According to the Deltaplex News in Pine Bluff, Langel was arrested September 7, 2022. However, the charges for his arrest are not listed.

Langel (26) graduated from Pine Bluff High School in 2017. His last known address is in Pine Bluff.

The Alexander Police Department has not issued a statement on the arrest.