
Saturday, August 24, 2013

Developer eyes "The Pit" in Alexander for commercial development

Anyone who lives in the southern section of the City of Alexander is more than likely familiar with a vacant lot, at the intersection of East Azalea and South Alexander Road (end of Hwy. 111), affectionately known as "The Pit." That area is now being considered for commercial development.

A subdivision and zoning request was presented to the Alexander City Council at its August 19 regular meeting. The proposal would divide the 2.5-acre area into two lots. The front lot would be 1-acre zoned C-3 and the back would be 1.5-acres zoned I-2.

According to the city's zoning descriptions C-3 is a "General Commercial District" defined as, "Development of a broad range general sales and service uses." I-2 is labeled as "Light Industrial District" defined as, "Development of general industrial uses including light manufacturing and assembly."

The developer, Doug Woodall, told council members he plans to use the front lot for retail sales and the back lot for warehousing.

The area is surrounded on three sides by streets; South Alexander Road, East Azalea Drive and Alton Drive.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This kind of fell out of the sky, will be a good addition to the community if the land sale can be accomplished.

  5. One of the great ills of the world; all of it - is irresponsible reporting.
    This site is based on truth, and sharing facts that are of interest to the people of Alexander who care about their lives and the community as a whole.
    Thanks - all of you - for being there.
    You won't find "spin" here.

    1. And I'm sure you watch MSNBC and idiots like Chris Mathews, Chris Hayes and that special liberal idiot Rachel Maddow. The audio recording never lies, lets see how you and Louelle change the truth around. Bet Joan's hand got tired! Another thing isn't it funny how the idiot editor removed someone's comment??? Sounds like this is s socialist propaganda website. If we don't like it, we remove it!

    2. Listen numb-nuts, I'm getting sick-and-tired of your BS. How many times do I have to tell you I don't remove comments. What part of "This comment has been removed by the author" don't you understand.

      She was a blow-heart trying to take credit for a story she had nothing to do with. If you read what she wrote and how she wrote it and could follow it, then both of you must have flunked English. Hope the two of you weren't educated in Arkansas.

      You have to be a Liberal. Only a Liberal can take a good-news story and find something to bitch about. If all you know how to do is look for something to complain about and run people down then stop reading this blog and shut the f*** up. You can be blocked.

    3. Not being very Christian are you! Wow the cussing. Did your mother ever wash your mouth out with soap? I believe in the good days of Ronald Reagan, how about you? I look forward to the day when someone sues you for spreading nothing but lies. I thought you said this site was for concern citizens of Alexander? Well I'm a citizen! I am concerned! And i just want to tell the truth, not tell what i think the truth is! Also as far as being educated in Arkansas, if you hate this state or want to make fun of it, why don't you get the hell out, I'm sure we in Alexander will be glad to help you pack. And censoring someone is socialism, as usual you Juanita disciples will do anything to stop progress!! JACKASS!!!!!

    4. Alex, I think PB's name might be a hint to his problem. ;-)

    5. "Pot calling the kettle black."
      If you can't connect TRUTH with TRUTH, you can't make a sensible argument. Response not merited.

    6. hey guys looks like PB needs to go back to learn how to spell > He sure makes some comical errors!!!

  6. Louella,
    The "Pit" development did not just fall out of the sky. If Juanita was doing her job she would have known about the possible sale about 2 months ago.She has been too busy trying to find out if she was BOYCOTTING her position or not. She says she is; then she says she is not. Which side of her mouth do we believe. Glad to see she attended the last Council Meeting. Now she needs to change her SOUR ATTITUDE and facial expressions and have positive input and ask questions not just make sly remarks.
    She needs to bring a dictionary to the meetings instead of spending so much time trying to figure out the meaning and spelling of one word. I was "EDUCATED IN ARKANSAS" but I know how to spell IN-TACT and I also know it's meaning. According to WEBSTER-"untouched by anything....." I guess when I heard a guy in the room say that a male of anything was IN-TACT if he had not been neutered. OUCH!!!
    Glad the Editor put the Ward Map on here. I am in the Ward. Look for my resume. When the position is filled it wonn't make any difference with Juanita's vote against me. It will be a NO either way I am sure.
    More later

    1. "FELL OUT OF HTE SKY" That means no one went looking for it. No one pursued the development. It came on it's own.

  7. There was a comedy skit that Flip Wilson used to use – HERE COME DA JUDGE.’ Actually it isn’t funny any more, at least not in this instance. Be a little articulate Bill; And don’t brag about being educated in Arkansas – it gives Arkansas a bad name.
    The press called it a boycott, the aldermen always considered their exercise as a peaceful protest. You are just upset because you didn’t do it first. Like that irreverent and immature trend you usually display here.
    Do you realize you actually compliment Juanita when you carry on about her so much. She is formidable or she wouldn’t draw that kind of attention. She is the ONLY alderman who truly represents her ward. I see NO comparison between her efforts and the sum total of the other occupants. It isn’t necessary to defend her, her action speaks for itself.
    No to issues:
    Third grade call-in for absentees; employee/employer call in policy – vs – elected officials. Get real people, do you really expect to be treated this way? Threatened with jail time – come on, who is the Tsar here???
    How much is this recorder making? How much does Alderman make? Who does the most? Who has the most responsibility? Anyone see any discrepancy here?

  8. That is (above)
    Now to issues
    (not no to issues)

  9. Brad, that may be the only way Bill can elevate himself to himself. Sometimes, some think the only way to look good, is to make some else look bad. It doesn't make any difference who, except that the higher they can go, the better they think they look.
    Amazing isn't it!

    1. You say "no one went looking" for a business for the "Pit"
      More that you'all don't know.
      Before Mr. Brewer bought the property from Sundy River Realty
      he checked with
      all the restrictions and any issues that would prevent him selling the property for a business. He has had several interested parties in the property that have also checked with the City Hall and others about the property. The Saline County Economic Development Council has even had the property listed for business development.
      More facts that you do not check out before you have a negative post about.

    2. In the real world Bill, my comments about the pit were not negative. I'm sure many people have been interested in developing the pit. I'm also sure it has a somewhat successful history in some form or another.
      The man who was there August 19, had not been there prior. He stated such, members of the gallery acknowledged to JoAn that he had not. No one in this administration was out promoting the site, nor inviting that particular business in. Having been a licenced realtor for 15 years, I likely shouldn't have used terms not familiar to lay people.
      It really is a moot subject; not worthy of further discussion.

    3. Louella,
      Are you saying JoAn is th editor of this site.
      Why was she asking the Galery?
      He had been checking with the "present Administration"
      for several months. If not how did he get put on the agenda and also the subject?

  10. Louella,
    You pointed out that I transposed letters in a word. Thanks.
    I am not the only one that hits the wrong keys in my haste.
    I hope "THE" was the word you were looking for!! instead of "HTE" in the above.
    I guess you were educated in "ARKANSAS" also but just don't want to admit it.
