
Monday, April 10, 2017

First new police car has arrived

(Corrected 4/10/17 1:55 PM)
The first of three new police cars for the City of Alexander arrived last week. Except 
for city markings this Dodge Charger is ready to begin patrolling city streets. A new 
pickup truck for the police chief is already being used and two more Chargers will 
arrive soon. The vehicles were purchased without the need of a loan.


  1. Very nice. So glad to know our police will have dependable cars to drive as they work to keep us all safe.

  2. Beautiful! The lettering will just add to the already POSITIVE. Good job, all who were behind this effort.
    but how? No debt? 4 vehicles, plus all equipment?

  3. debt. Responsible people managing the people's taxes can make this happen. We are moving forward to make this city a place people want to live in.

  4. It also helps to have a court clerk who goes after unpaid fines and works out a payment plan. We had a lot of unpaid fines from the Johnson era.
