This past year
visitors to Alexander City Park have benefited
from the addition of
some amenities including park benches
and trash containers. Next year
Mayor Paul Mitchell expects
to add a gazebo, similar to the one in the above photo.
At the regular
November 20 meeting council members
approved a maximum of $60,000 on
the project. Mitchell
estimated the cost of the gazebo between
$25,000 to $30,000
plus another $30,000 for installation of the
gazebo and
adding electricity.
The project will be paid for from the park fund, which receives
adding electricity.
The project will be paid for from the park fund, which receives
one-quarter cent from the
current two-cent city sales and
use tax. When asked Mitchell said the park fund has
around $300,000.
use tax. When asked Mitchell said the park fund has
around $300,000.