
Monday, August 26, 2024

Eliminating Alexander treasurer's position tabled

An ordinance, that will eliminate the elected position of treasurer and transform it into a position for hire, was tabled until the next council meeting to allow the mayor time to advertise a Request For Qualifications (RFQ). Council Member Juanita Wilson wants to know what type of choices the city will have when the elected position is eliminated and the position can be filled by any individual or accounting firm,

Former City Treasurer JoAn Churchill resigned effective December 31, 2023. As an elected position the council was limited to finding someone who lives within the city to fill the vacancy. No one submitted a resume. Also, no one filed a petition to run for city treasurer in the upcoming November election.

"And I was told by municipal league (Arkansas Municipal League) several times that they have to be city qualified," Wilson said. "At the time when I checked on it three to four years ago, there were only two. ... And I checked the last couple of weeks. And I haven't found anybody else that's listed that is city qualified. My thought is we may have to contact the municipal league" and ask "If there is anyone else who is qualified to do city audits and all that, that's what we need to have done for a treasurer. And we need to find out what (it) is going to cost the city."

"So two things," began City Attorney Chris Madison. "First off, the appointment of a city treasurer does not affect the issue that you're raising. So the appointment of a city treasurer is basically taken an employee or somebody and said, hey, keep our books like we have been doing. But offer us an opportunity to do so."

"The issue you're talking about is the retaining of an outside firm to do either audit work or what's called agreed upon procedures," Madison continued. "They do have to be government certified, which means they know how to do government accounting."

"So the question is how much work do you want them to do," Madison asked? "If you're hiring the outside firm to do all of it, that's what it costs a lot more. If you're appointing an employee under the city treasurer for what we have here, the employee is protected under the city umbrella of doing the work. And then what I would suggest and want to argue is to look for an outside firm to do what's called agreed upon procedures, where they would check to make sure we're reconciling the bank records correctly. If they would do spot audits of paperwork so that they have a more limited scope of work, thus lower the cost, but still provide an oversight of the work that's being done by the city folks."

Wilson asked, "Well, then why would we not go ahead and contact someone instead of doing all this right now?"

With a voice vote the motion to table the ordinance until the next meeting received three "Yes" and two "No" votes. Voting "Yes" were Joe Pollard, Mitchell W. Smith and Juanita Wilson. Voting "No" were Joy Gray and Angela Griffin. Absent were Tony Staton, Gina R Thomas-Littlejohn and Harold Timmerman. Since absent council members count as "No" votes the total was three "Yes" and five "No."

When the voice vote was not unanimous, Mayor Crystal Herrmann asked for a roll call vote. Gray cut-in and said, "Never mind. They'll win anyway."

Other actions taken during August 19 Council Meeting;

Animal Control Ordinance gets second reading

A new Animal Control Ordinance received its second public reading. A third reading is required for the ordinance to go into effect. The new ordinance will replace all animal control ordinances currently on the books. It combines the treatment of dogs and cats along with the operation of a city animal kennel.

Stormwater Regulations Ordinance receives first reading

An ordinance establishing stormwater regulations received its first public reading. This new ordinance essentially duplicates the existing ordinance but with the addition of a permitting process to control stormwater related construction.

Zoning regulations amendment gets first reading

An ordinance, amending the zoning regulations passed in 2019, received its first public reading. The ordinance amends two items. It adds text to the definition of "Recreational Vehicle" which reinforces that its illegal to live permanently in an RV within the city. The ordinance also removes the term "Duplex (site-built)" from Section 9 Mixed-Use Residential District.

Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Alexander City Council is Monday August 16, at 6:00 pm in the courtroom of the Alexander Municipal Complex (City Hall). Meetings are open to the public.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Alexander gives away old hospital; Temporarily

The Alexander City Council decided to temporarily give up ownership of the hospital building, located on the former Alexander Human Development Center (HDC) property, in order to conduct the required environmental assessment to apply for EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) hazardous cleanup grants. At a special meeting held Thursday, August 22, council members approved an ordinance and a resolution to correct an error made when the State deeded the HDC property to Alexander.

An environmental assessment should have been done by the State of Arkansas, Development Disabilities Services Board prior to deeding the 65.69-acre property to the city. Council members were told a municipality can't qualify for grants to conduct an environmental assessment. But, a state agency can.

As laid out in the ordinance and resolution, Alexander will deed four-acres of the property containing the hospital to Central Arkansas Planning and Development District (CAPDD). Once the environmental impact studies, that weren't done originally, are completed CAPDD will return ownership of the four-acres to Alexander. The city will then qualify for Brownfield grants.

Mayor Crystal Herrmann has been attempting to acquire a Brownfield grant in order to make the HDC property safe for development. The grant program is funded by the EPA. According to the EPA website, "A brownfield is a property, the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse of which may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant." The expectation is the hospital building contains asbestos, lead paint and potentially other unknown hazards.

The HDC property, along Highway 111, was originally built as a tuberculosis sanitarium for African-Americans. Eventually it was converted into a home for adults with special needs that required care and training from professionals.

After losing a lawsuit the state turned over care of the patients to Pathfinders, Inc.. The organization operated homes for adults, with physical and mental health issues, in the southeast corner of the HDC. They moved out when their lease expired in August, 2022.

When the Arkansas Department of Human Services no longer had a use for the property it was deeded to Alexander in 2018. Under state law the property could not be sold to an individual. It could only be taken over by another government entity such as a municipality or county.

Hospital days after fire.

The hospital caught fire Wednesday night, March 18, 2020. The fourth floor and roof sustained most of the damage. Prior to the fire there was always a discussion of whether the hospital should be renovated or removed. The fire has ended those discussions. Now the question is what will the process be to raze the structure and dispose of the hazardous materials.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Alexander incumbents draw for position one and two in November municipal election

On Friday (August 23) the Saline County Clerk's Office conducted the drawing to decide what position candidates will be placed on the November ballot. Some candidates attended the ceremony to draw their own number. Any candidates who were not in attendance had their position chosen by county staff.

Attending the drawing for two seats on the Alexander City Council were Council Member Harold Timmerman (Ward-3; Position-1) and Council Member Juanita Wilson (Ward-4; Position-2). Timmermann drew the second ballot position while Wilson drew the number one spot.

In the race for Ward-3; Position-1 challenger Daniel L. Bates will be listed on the ballot first with Timmermann second. In the race for Ward-4; Position-2 Wilson will appear on the ballot first followed by her challenger Trevis Bentley.

Candidates running unopposed are Council Member Mitchell W. Smith (Ward-1; Position-2), Council Member Joy Gray (Ward-2; Position-1), Christopher Prowse (Ward-2; Position-2), Amy Lyons (Ward-3; Position-2), Council Member Angela Griffin (Ward-4; Position-1), and Megan Chapman for City Recorder.

The two offices that do not have a candidate are Ward-1 Position-1 and City Treasurer. Former City Treasurer JoAn Churchill resigned effective December 31, 2023. Since then no one could be found to fill the vacancy. Council members are discussing whether to eliminate it as an elected position, converting it to a position where someone can be hired without the requirement of living in the city.

Early voting begins Monday, October 21. The General Election is Tuesday, November 5.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Alexander Council to have special meeting concerning old hospital building

Alexander Mayor Crystal Herrmann has scheduled a special meeting for Thursday, (tomorrow) August 22, 6:00 PM. The meeting will be held in the courtroom at the Alexander Municipal Complex (City Hall) and will be open to the public. The announcement was made at the council's regular August 19 meeting.

City Attorney Chris Madison explained that the council will be meeting with representatives of the Arkansas Community and Economic Development Program (ACEDP). The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the next step needed for the city to apply for a Brownfield grant.

The city has been attempting to qualify for the grant program, which is used to fund the clean-up of dangerous toxic areas. In this case, the former Arkansas Tuberculosis Hospital for African Americans located on the property of the former Alexander Human Development Center (HDC) in south Alexander along Highway 111.

Madison said the purpose of the meeting is to have the council approve an ordinance that will give temporary ownership, of that portion of the HDC property where the hospital is located, to ACEDP. Madison explained when the state gave the HDC property to the City of Alexander, "There was not the appropriate environmental studies done."

The ACEDP will be able to have the environmental studies done. At the very least the hospital building is expected to test positive for asbestos and lead paint.

Madison said once the tests are completed the hospital will be returned to Alexander. Then the city can apply for the Brownfield grant. More than likely the end result will be the removal of the hospital building to prepare the property for development.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Former Alexander bookkeeper arrested and charged with "Theft of Property"

Former City of Alexander bookkeeper Melissa Ann Anthony (AKA Melissa Ratliff) was arrested by the Pulaski County Sheriff's Office on a felony warrant Thursday, July 25, 2024. Anthony has been charged with "Theft of Property" greater than $25,000, a Class B Felony.

Melissa Anthony
Booking Photo
Anthony plead not guilty during a video arraignment hearing held Friday, July 26 in Pulaski County District Court. The date of the alleged theft is listed as October 7, 2022.

The alleged theft was only discovered after she was fired by then Mayor Paul Mitchell. Mitchell had scheduled a drug test for Anthony and another female employee to be taken Monday, October 10, 2022. When Anthony arrived at city hall she was told to wait in her car because she and the other employee would be taking a drug test that morning. Before the other employee could finish what she was doing inside city hall Anthony drove off and never returned. She was subsequently fired on Tuesday, October 11 for "Job Abandonment."

City Treasurer, JoAn Churchill, stepped-in and began going through the books to determine the condition of the city’s finances. Also, payday was due and she needed to be sure all of the accounts could make payroll.

Once Churchill realized there were problems with Anthony’s time and pay the state auditor, who was still working on the 2021 audit, was notified and asked to add this to the audit. The following statements are taken from the annual state Audit Report for 2021.

Under the category of Mayor the report states, “During the period January 1, 2021 through August 25, 2022, the Bookkeeper received salary overpayments totaling $20,088 and undocumented mileage reimbursements totaling $641."

“In addition, review of payroll records for the Bookkeeper, who was responsible for preparing disbursements and maintaining payroll records, revealed the following:"

• "Wages received in 2021 ($74,913) exceeded budget ($40,040) by $34,873."

• "The Bookkeeper reported working an excessive number of hours on her timesheets."

• "1,602 overtime hours, including as much as 18 hours in a single day and as much as 181 hours during a two-week pay period."

• "945 weekend hours, including as much as 16 hours in a single weekend day and as much as 30 hours during a two-day weekend."

• "The Bookkeeper reported working hours while out of the office."

• "115 hours on eight weekdays while, according to time clock cards, the Bookkeeper was on sick leave."

• "29 hours for attending a three-day conference for which, according to conference officials, the Bookkeeper was not registered and there was no evidence she attended."

• "Hours reportedly worked while the Bookkeeper was traveling on three vacations, according to social media posts."

• "'Time In' and 'Time Out' reflected on timesheets did not always agree with stamped time clock cards."

• "Timesheets were not always signed by the Bookkeeper or approved by her supervisor."

• "As of August 20, 2022, the Bookkeeper had negative sick (-3) and vacation (-26) leave balances. In addition, 51 sick leave hours and 160 vacation leave hours used during the review period were not deducted from her leave balances."

A Surety Bond was set at $10,000.00. A court date has not been set.

[Information for this article provided by the Pulaski County Sheriff's Office website and the Arkansas Courts website.]

Friday, August 16, 2024

Alexander Council Meeting Monday, Aug. 19

The Alexander City Council will hold its regular August meeting this Monday, August 19. The agenda lists the following topics.

Under Old Business:

1-"Ordinance 2024-06. An Ordinance establishing Animal Control."
2-"Ordinance 2024-07. An Ordinance establishing Stormwater Regulations."

Under New Business:

1-"Property purchase discussion."
2-"Ordinance 2024-08. An Ordinance authorizing the removal of the Office of City Treasurer and authorizing the appointment of a City Treasurer."
3-"Ordinance 2024-09 An Ordinance amending Ord. 2019-6-17-2 to amend the wording of the definition of recreational vehicles, the removal of the term Duplex (site-built) from Section 9 Mixed-Use Residential District."
4-"Discussion of sell (sic) of items."

The council meeting will be held in the courtroom at the Alexander Municipal Complex Monday, August 19 at 6:00 PM. The meeting is open to the public.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Two Alexander incumbents opposed in November election; Three incumbents didn't file

With the deadline to file election petitions expired, the election for positions in the City of Alexander will have opposition for two incumbents. Three incumbents didn't file.

The two incumbents with opponents are Council Member Harold Timmerman (Ward-3; Position-1) and Council Member Juanita Wilson (Ward-4; Position-2). Daniel L. Bates filed a petition for Timmermann's seat. Trevis Bentley is seeking to unseat Wilson.

Incumbents who did not file for re-election are Council Member Joe Pollard (Ward-1 Position-1), Council Member Tony Staton (Ward-3 Position-2) and City Recorder Sharon Bankhead. Council Member Gina R. Thomas-Littlejohn, currently representing Ward-2 Position-2, is not seeking re-election due to her run for a seat in the State House of Representatives.

The two offices that do not have a candidate are Ward-1 Position-1 and City Treasurer. Former City Treasurer JoAn Churchill resigned effective December 31, 2023. Since then no one could be found to fill the vacancy.

Candidates running unopposed are Council Member Mitchell W. Smith (Ward-1; Position-2), Council Member Joy Gray (Ward-2; Position-1), Christopher Prowse (Ward-2; Position-2), Amy Lyons (Ward-3; Position-2), Council Member Angela Griffin (Ward-4; Position-1), and Megan Chapman for City Recorder. The election is November 5.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Two more incumbents and three newcomers file for Alexander election; Wednesday Noon last day to file

Tuesday, August 6 was the last full day to file petitions for the Alexander municipal elections to be held November 5. The filing deadline is 12:00 Noon, Wednesday, August 7. Of the five petitions filed; two are Alexander council members, two others are newcomers running for council seats and another for city recorder.

The two incumbents are Council Member Angela Griffin (Ward-4 Position-1) and Council Member Wayne Smith (Ward-1 Position-2). Since Smith was appointed to fill a vacancy created in 2023, this will be his first election.

The two residents running for seats on the council are Christopher Prowse seeking the Ward-2 Position-2 seat. Council Member Gina R. Thomas-Littlejohn, currently representing Ward-2 Position-2, is not seeking re-election due to her run for a seat in the State House of Representatives.

Trying to unseat Council Member Juanita Wilson is Trevis Bentley running for the Ward-4 Position-2 seat. Wilson filed her petition 

August 5.

Megan Chapman has filed a petition for City Recorder. That petition is currently held by Sharon Bankhead who has yet to file a petition.

This leaves two incumbents who have not filed petitions: Council Member Joe Pollard (Ward-1 Position-1) and Council Member Tony Staton (Ward-3 Position-2).

The position of city treasurer is also still available and vacant. Former City Treasurer JoAn Churchill resigned effective December 31, 2023. No one has come forward to fill the vacancy.

Council members serve a two-year term. The city recorder and city treasurer serve four-year terms. Below is a list of the offices to appear on the November ballot including the names of the current office holder, who has filed petitions and the date.

Petitions can still be acquired before the filing deadline. To run for a position on the city council you must be a registered voter and file your petition based on the ward you live in and either position one or two, depending on which incumbent you want to unseat. See the map below to find your ward.

The other two offices to appear on the ballot are city recorder and city treasurer. To file for these two positions you must also live in the city limits of Alexander and be a registered voter.

Registered voters living in both the Pulaski and Saline county portions of Alexander may pick up petitions at the Saline County Clerk's office; 215 North Main Street, Suite 9; Benton, Arkansas.

Petitions can still be picked up before 12:00 Noon on Wednesday, August 7, but you will have to have your minimum of ten signatures available because the deadline to return all petitions for all municipal offices is 12:00 Noon on Wednesday, August 7. For more information call 501-303-5630.

Elected positions available w/incumbent name, and those who have filed:

(Ward-1; Pos-1)

Council Member Joe Pollard

(Ward-1; Pos-2)

Council Member Mitchell W. Smith - Filed 08/06/24

(Ward-2; Pos-1)

Council Member Joy Gray - Filed 08/05/24

(Ward-2; Pos-2)

Council Member Gina R. Thomas-Littlejohn not seeking re-election.
Christopher Prowse - Filed 08/06/24

(Ward-3; Pos-1)

Council Member Harold Timmerman - Filed 07/31/24
Daniel L. Bates - Filed 08/01/24

(Ward-3; Pos-2)

Council Member Tony Staton
Amy Lyons - Filed 08/01/24

(Ward-4; Pos-1)

Council Member Angela Griffin - Filed 08/06/24

(Ward-4; Pos-2)

Council Member Juanita Wilson - Filed 08/05/24
Trevis Bentley - Filed 08/06/24

City Recorder

Sharon Bankhead
Megan Chapman - Filed 08/06/24

City Treasurer


Monday, August 5, 2024

Two more incumbents file for Alexander election; 1-1/2 days remain to file

With 1-1/2 days left to file for the Alexander municipal elections, two more incumbents have submitted their petitions to appear on the November ballot. They are Council Member Juanita Wilson (Ward-4; Pos-2) and Council Member Joy Gray (Ward-2; Pos-1). A total of five candidates have submitted petitions since filing began on July 31.

The other incumbent, who was first to file, is Council Member Harold Timmerman. He submitted his petition to retain his Ward-3 Position-1 seat on the first day of filing, July 31. On August 1 Daniel L. Bates filed a petition for Timmermann's Ward-3 Position-1 seat. And, Amy Lyons also filed on August 1 for the Ward-3 Position-2 seat, currently held by Council Member Tony Staton.

Petitions can still be acquired before the filing deadline. To run for a position on the city council you must be a registered voter and file your petition based on the ward you live in and either position one or two, depending on which incumbent you want to unseat. Council members serve two-year terms. See the map below to find your ward.

The other two offices to appear on the ballot are city recorder and city treasurer. To file for these two positions you must also live in the city limits of Alexander and be a registered voter. Both positions are four-year terms.

Registered voters living in both the Pulaski and Saline county portions of Alexander may pick up petitions at the Saline County Clerk's office; 215 North Main Street, Suite 9; Benton, Arkansas. Petitions may be picked up or returned to the County Clerk's Office on Tuesday, August 6 from 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM. Petitions can also be picked up before 12:00 Noon on Wednesday, August 7. The deadline to return all petitions for all municipal offices is 12:00 Noon on Wednesday, August 7. For more information call 501-303-5630.

Elected positions available w/incumbent name, and those who have filed:

(Ward-1; Pos-1)

Council Member Joe Pollard

(Ward-1; Pos-2)

Council Member Mitchell W. Smith

(Ward-2; Pos-1)

Council Member Joy Gray - Filed 08/05/24

(Ward-2; Pos-2)

Council Member Gina R. Thomas-Littlejohn not seeking re-election.

(Ward-3; Pos-1)

Council Member Harold Timmerman - Filed 07/31/24
Daniel L. Bates - Filed 08/01/24

(Ward-3; Pos-2)

Council Member Tony Staton
Amy Lyons - Filed 08/01/24

(Ward-4; Pos-1)

Council Member Angela Griffin

(Ward-4; Pos-2)

Council Member Juanita Wilson - Filed 08/05/24

City Recorder

Sharon Bankhead

City Treasurer


Sunday, August 4, 2024

Two-and-a-half days left to file for Alexander municipal elections; How did we get here?

Anyone wanting to pick up a petition to appear on the ballot for the Alexander municipal elections, or file a petition, can do so at the Saline County Clerk's Office in Benton from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM on Monday and Tuesday. You can still pick up a petition on Wednesday but the deadline to file is 12:00 Noon.

Appearing on the ballot this time around will be the eight seats on the Alexander City Council, the city recorder and the city treasurer. Council members serve two-year terms while the terms for recorder and treasurer are four-years.

So, how did Alexander end up with the current list of incumbents? Let's start with the longest serving member on the city council, Council Member Juanita Wilson.

It was a rocky start for Wilson who won an election, lost a re-election, then came back to be elected again and hasn't lost an election since. Wilson first defeated Council Member Andy Mullins in the 2012 election. Then, in 2014, Mullins defeated Wilson 219 to 209. In the 2016 election Wilson defeated Mullins 318 to 245. She was then unopposed, along with the rest of the council members, in 2018 and 2020. In 2022 Wilson was opposed by someone new to Alexander elections, April Cotton. Wilson defeated Cotton 271 to 250. So far, neither Wilson or anyone else has filed for the Ward-4; Pos-2 seat.

In the 2016 election more new council members were added. Current Council Member Joe Pollard defeated incumbent Louis Hobbs, 355 to 206. Another incumbent, Stephanie Beck, was defeated by Joy Gray, 310 to 244. Finally, Current Council Member Harold Timmerman defeated incumbent Andrea Bearden in a run-off election, 86 to 33. All three of these new council members, along with Wilson, will go unchallenged in the 2018 and 2020 elections.

In the 2022 election it was a mix of opposed and unopposed incumbents. Four candidates for city council were unopposed, three current members and one new face. Council Member Joe Pollard, Council Member Joy Gray and Council Member Harold Timmerman were all unopposed. Political newcomer Tony Staton was also unopposed for the Ward-3; Position-2 seat. At the time it was held by Council Member Dan Church who did not seek re-election.

Three sitting council members did have opposition in the 2022 election. Only one was undefeated. Council Member Lonny Chapman was defeated by political new-comer Gina Thomas Littlejohn, 312 to 200. Council Member Jeffery Watson was defeated by another new face in Alexander politics Angela Griffin, 335 to 175. As stated above, Council Member Juanita Wilson defeated April Cotton 271 to 250.

That leaves one seat unaccounted for. In 2022 no one ran for the Ward-1; Position-1 seat including the sitting Council Member Elizabeth Bland. In early 2023 the council declared the position vacant and appointed Mitchell W. Smith to the council.

That leaves the Alexander City Council with the following members.

(Ward-1; Pos-1)

Joe Pollard

(Ward-1; Pos-2)

Mitchell W. Smith

(Ward-2; Pos-1)

Joy Gray

(Ward-2; Pos-2)

Gina R. Thomas-Littlejohn (Will not seeking re-election.)

(Ward-3; Pos-1)

Harold Timmerman

(Ward-3; Pos-2)

Tony Staton

(Ward-4; Pos-1)

Angela Griffin

(Ward-4; Pos-2)

Juanita Wilson

The other two offices to appear on the ballot are city recorder and city treasurer. To file for these two positions you must live in the city limits of Alexander and be a registered voter.

Sharon Bankhead has served as the city recorder since early 2013. The office of city treasurer is vacant. Former City Treasurer JoAn Churchill resigned effective December 31, 2023. No one has filed for city recorder or city treasurer.

So far only three petitions have been submitted for seats on the city council. Council Member Harold Timmerman submitted his petition to retain his Ward-3 Position-1 seat. Daniel L. Bates filed a petition for the same Ward-3 Position-1 seat. Amy Lyons has filed for the Ward-3 Position-2 seat, currently held by Council Member Tony Staton.

Council Member Gina R Thomas-Littlejohn (Ward-2; Pos-2) is running as a Democrat for representative in the Arkansas State House. Under state law she can not run for, or serve in, two elected positions. Therefore she is not seeking re-election to the Alexander City Council.

Petitions can still be picked up before the filing deadline, 12:00 Noon on Wednesday, August 7. To run for a position on the city council you must be a registered voter and file your petition based on the ward you live in and either position one or two, depending on which incumbent you want to unseat. Council members serve two-year terms. See the map below to find your ward.

Residents living in both the Pulaski and Saline county portions of Alexander may pick up petitions at the Saline County Clerk's office; 215 North Main Street, Suite 9; Benton, Arkansas. Offices are open 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM. For more information call 501-303-5630.

Petitions for the offices of city council member, city recorder and city treasurer can be picked up or returned to the County Clerk's Office on Monday, August 5 and Tuesday, August 6 from 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM. Petitions can also be picked up before 12:00 Noon on Wednesday, August 7. The deadline to return all petitions for all municipal offices is Noon on Wednesday, August 7.