
Monday, August 19, 2024

Former Alexander bookkeeper arrested and charged with "Theft of Property"

Former City of Alexander bookkeeper Melissa Ann Anthony (AKA Melissa Ratliff) was arrested by the Pulaski County Sheriff's Office on a felony warrant Thursday, July 25, 2024. Anthony has been charged with "Theft of Property" greater than $25,000, a Class B Felony.

Melissa Anthony
Booking Photo
Anthony plead not guilty during a video arraignment hearing held Friday, July 26 in Pulaski County District Court. The date of the alleged theft is listed as October 7, 2022.

The alleged theft was only discovered after she was fired by then Mayor Paul Mitchell. Mitchell had scheduled a drug test for Anthony and another female employee to be taken Monday, October 10, 2022. When Anthony arrived at city hall she was told to wait in her car because she and the other employee would be taking a drug test that morning. Before the other employee could finish what she was doing inside city hall Anthony drove off and never returned. She was subsequently fired on Tuesday, October 11 for "Job Abandonment."

City Treasurer, JoAn Churchill, stepped-in and began going through the books to determine the condition of the city’s finances. Also, payday was due and she needed to be sure all of the accounts could make payroll.

Once Churchill realized there were problems with Anthony’s time and pay the state auditor, who was still working on the 2021 audit, was notified and asked to add this to the audit. The following statements are taken from the annual state Audit Report for 2021.

Under the category of Mayor the report states, “During the period January 1, 2021 through August 25, 2022, the Bookkeeper received salary overpayments totaling $20,088 and undocumented mileage reimbursements totaling $641."

“In addition, review of payroll records for the Bookkeeper, who was responsible for preparing disbursements and maintaining payroll records, revealed the following:"

• "Wages received in 2021 ($74,913) exceeded budget ($40,040) by $34,873."

• "The Bookkeeper reported working an excessive number of hours on her timesheets."

• "1,602 overtime hours, including as much as 18 hours in a single day and as much as 181 hours during a two-week pay period."

• "945 weekend hours, including as much as 16 hours in a single weekend day and as much as 30 hours during a two-day weekend."

• "The Bookkeeper reported working hours while out of the office."

• "115 hours on eight weekdays while, according to time clock cards, the Bookkeeper was on sick leave."

• "29 hours for attending a three-day conference for which, according to conference officials, the Bookkeeper was not registered and there was no evidence she attended."

• "Hours reportedly worked while the Bookkeeper was traveling on three vacations, according to social media posts."

• "'Time In' and 'Time Out' reflected on timesheets did not always agree with stamped time clock cards."

• "Timesheets were not always signed by the Bookkeeper or approved by her supervisor."

• "As of August 20, 2022, the Bookkeeper had negative sick (-3) and vacation (-26) leave balances. In addition, 51 sick leave hours and 160 vacation leave hours used during the review period were not deducted from her leave balances."

A Surety Bond was set at $10,000.00. A court date has not been set.

[Information for this article provided by the Pulaski County Sheriff's Office website and the Arkansas Courts website.]



  2. Way to go JoAnn Churchill!!!

  3. I find it funny how NEITHER of these people actually did anything to catch Melissa yet you report this nonsense. Get your facts straight before you publish this nonsense.

    1. you are not correct. they did do something, you dont know all the facts!!

  4. Where is the story on how Council member Juanita Wilson and the Ex Treasurer JoAnn Churchill illegally obtained a city credit card in their personal name and made personal purchases with said card after they falsified minutes to take to the bank to obtain card. Wheres that story???? Or how Ms. Churchill hid money within the City accounts with Ms. Wilsons help and falsified bank documents? Or how the actual embezzlement information on Melissa was sent to the AGs office by someone totally NOT Paul Mitchell!!!!! Someone should really fact check before they post and reply to comments. This comment probably wont stay on here due to it not conforming to your "facts". #2025

    1. HEADLINE - Alexander Mayor welcomes audit; Treasurer, “No Comment”

      HEADLINE - Griffin accuses Churchill and Wilson of "Illegally" obtaining city credit cards and falsifying a resolution

      HEADLINE - Alexander’s Legislative Audit Report for 2021 released, Report on former Bookkeeper included

      First; I suggest you read these three articles very slowly. No Evelyn Woods speed reading. Meeting minutes were not the issue concerning the credit cards.

      How the legal system got involved; I know Leg Audit always sends a copy of the latest reports to the local county prosecutor. Whether they see any potential violations of local or state laws, and what to do about it, is up to them.

      Mayor Herrmann did send information about our previous fire chief to the AG. So far, the only accomplishment I'm aware of is the AG's office still has the chief's city cell phone. With no information to the contrary the city would still be paying the monthly minimum on the phone.

      As for your other issues; I'm not aware of any accusations along those lines.

      And, as to your questions in general; none of them have anything to do with this story. This was merely an update on an on-going issue. The information provided was enough to give the background of how the case reached this point. The latest information on the case was provided by public documents as stated at the end. There is no inaccurate information in this article. I suppose I could have provided links to the previous articles on this issue, but I don't generally do that.

      Now, if you don't mind I have an announcement to write.
