
Saturday, July 13, 2013

Six Alexander residents apply for vacant seat

Numerous other items on agenda
Monday night's agenda for the Alexander City Council includes considering six resumes from residents wanting to fill a vacant seat in Ward-3. The seat became available when Alderman Jack Shoemaker moved out of the city. Those submitting resumes are Harvey C. Howard, Samuel D. Gregory,  Lisa Morgan, Kathy B. Hall, Catherine M. Nightlinger, and Andrea Bearden.

Two of the six have already served on the council. Howard lost re-election in 2012 to Dan Church after serving nearly five years on the city council. Gregory was appointed to fill a similar vacancy in Ward-3 when Jack Shoemaker resigned in 2012. He then lost to Shoemaker when they both ran in the 2012 election.

Other items on the agenda include appointing a treasurer to fill the vacancy created when JoAn Churchill resigned earlier this year, a proposed amendment to Ordinance 2013-2 to include an emergency clause for the street abandonment ordinance passed last month, a proposed amendment to Ordinance 2013-3 to include an emergency clause for the zoning variance granted to Dollar General last month, a discussion regarding how to compel council members to attend meetings, establishing a "referendum period" for ordinances, re-establishing the planning commission and board of adjustment, and the formal adoption of zoning code. The information packets provided to council members on Saturday did not include any information, documentation, or proposed ordinances necessary to take action on any of these items. 

The next meeting of the Alexander City Council is Monday, July 15, at 6 PM in City Hall. The meetings are open to the public.


  1. 1. The list of aldermen includes ms mckeon, if the meeting in which she was appointed was illegal, isn't that seat still vacant?
    2. In the er clause was dollar general, can' the boy-cotting aldermen send a signed vote to city approving, if they do, the er clause? City used to get approval by telephone and act on it, I think a signed document would be more logical.

    1. The aldermen list has been posted as-is until such time a "real" legal opinion is rendered.

      In the past, mayor's may have done a phone poll due to time constraints on an emergency basis. But, at the next meeting an official vote had to be taken. Votes only count at a meeting by those who are present.

  2. “COMPEL THE ALDERMEN TO ATTEND?” Boycott has been a respected, protected and much used tool in American political and trade life for centuries, and this city governing body is going to change that! Amazing, but we shouldn’t be surprised, they do what they want, when they want at anyone’s expense they feel like spitting on.
    I see they have put the police chief in charge of street department money – no news there, that is where they were headed – day one!
    If mayor were serious about the meeting of the minds she would schedule workshop meetings, NO VOTING ALLOWED, to debate issues. But she isn’t, hasn’t, and won’t. Because, like she said in the first meeting “you have no voice, I will veto anything you suggest.”
    Who compelled michelle to attend when she was recorder, drawing $500.00 a month and Regina Watson was doing all the recording?

    1. Louella you have stated in a comment before that you don't live in Alexander, but you sure seem to know a lot about the supposedly inter workings. I got one for you Louella are you the one that is giving the idiot who started this site the info about the agenda in the up coming meetings? How come Juanita has made comments on this site? How come the editor hasn't contacted other officials for their opinion? Reason being is because of the lies that are told on here, and also you don't want your identity being known. You just want to sit in a dark closet with your laptop and have know life. I guess if anyone wanted to sue the editor because of this site they could just go ahead and sue Juanita and Joan. Joan mentioned this crappy site in the paper and Juanita has made comments on here. So to your boycotting 2 1/2 grow up, show up and do what you've been elected to do!!!!!!!!! Boycotts never work!!! And as far as your boycott rally, if you live elsewhere what does the city of Alexander have to do with you? Besides you might have enough show up for 1 large pizza!!!

    2. We don't have to worry about the pd chief being in charge of the FD money, michelle and CCC (Cookie Cutter Council) gave him all of it, which of course he is depleting as expected.
      Sorry Mr Howard that you feel you were in error supporting Dan Church. He is where you were last year, REMEMBER? Standing valiently alone among another CCC. It was difficult then wasn't it!?!?
      BEWARE Alexander, you get what you pay for.

  3. Replies
    1. There are three options.
      1-Do like Egypt.
      2-Have another re-call election.
      3-Prep someone for 2014 to run against her.

    2. Let's talk about that Egypt thing ;-)
      Actually you are pretty right on as usual. Where else can one who is appointed by a bitter losing panel hold a community at gun-point (figuratively speaking), take over and nullify the entire election.
      Reacon the city leaders speak Egyptian? Someone said the other day, with the coup there (in Egypt), you either get shot in the right side of your head or the left side - but your going to lose either way.
      Here we are, the coup has happened, we are shot in the head (from the left I believe) now we fall back and regroup. Smarter for it!

  4. Remove comments as usual!!!! You people are pathetic and sad. Keep Spreading your lies and the mayor and the good people will keep doing a good job. I guess you removed my comments when the word SUED comes into play.

    1. I did not remove your first comment, but I did receive it in my E-mail notice for comments being posted. As far as I know, besides the webmaster (that's me) only the person logged-in can remove their own comments. Others shouldn't be able to remove someone else's comment.

      As for the "lies," you can list them here if you like. Providing you remember that opinion is neither truth nor lie.

  5. Senior moment there PB? Or simple halucinations?

    1. Trying to take over someones id? There's a moment!!!

    2. YUP! halucinations

    3. brad-s2 i had a moment today that Dan Church didn't resign! Then I realize that it was just a moment! Talk about hallucinating! It was scary! Still trying to be someone your not and pose as someone else? Your life must be really sad!

    4. Care to identify yourself?

    5. I'm a citizen who voted for the people who are in office that are doing their job!!! Who are you?

    6. Bradford Sutton is the name. Reveal yours? ;-)
      As for doing their job, they don't know it, so how can they do it?
      You NEVER hear a debate of issues, no "let's look into this"; no reasoning, just OK whatever. No decision indebting the city hundreds of thousands of dollars should EVER be spur of the moment.
      It should be on the ballot, let the tax payor paying the bills decide, at the very best. At the very least let the council members poll thies ward and come back with a consensus. For crying out loud - EVERYBODY GETS A NEW CAR!!! Behind door number one is actually IDIOT number one.

    7. Line 4 from JoAn above, says media used the term then people began repeating it. Including me. It isn't important, it is over. the Editor is not wrong, he stated what was being printed in the paper. Likely bigger words that in your 'Dick & Jane' book.
      We really don't want to give up this blog site, and it is open to other aldermen if they want to join it. The Alexandrian does not solicit, never have.
      As for Lonny, I think he would be insulted if he though it was being spread around that you 'wrestled' him into your corner.
      Lonny is an honorable man, he will do what he thinks is right, and vote his conscience. I'm positive it is no thanks to you.

  6. What is happening in our country in this time period is a crying shame. I am referring specifically to the “after-glow” of the Zimmerman verdict. The shame is that the “after-glow” is the reflection of the American Flag burning. Come on people, think. Our system is and always has been trial by jury, not trial by street mobs, who will use anything passing by to try to make a case and a point. What a shame! I am old and of color, and am embarrassed and ashamed.
    It was the jury who sat and listened to all the evidence, then followed through with what the law requires them to do. The mob gets their information from media, printed or aired, and you know how dependable that is. It is as a rule nothing but one sided gossip.
    We don’t always like the out-come of a whole lot of things, and in this case, a trial, only 50% are going to be pleased – EVERY TIME. But you live with it and try to use what you don’t like to improve on what you do like. That the Federal Department of Justice was reported as supporting anti-Zimmerman protesters is also a crying shame!

    • DOJ says it will determine if prosecutors will file criminal civil rights charges in death of Trayvon Martin after Florida jury finds Zimmerman 'not guilty' on all counts, just days after department was accused by watchdog of supporting anti-Zimmerman protests after shooting. FOX NEWS 7/14/2013

  7. Web Admin, I'd like you to get in touch with me if you would please. Email to my name at gmail.

  8. Why is fining the Aldermen with issues that certainly need to be discussed so much more important than planning a debate session to hear what the issues are?
    Wouldn't you think an over-paid attorney would recommend that, a public "servant" would certainly be interested, a media looking for a true story would follow up on it - but instead the issues are ignored, the aldermen are maligned and threatened.
    The mayor kept the final pay of the bookkeeper after she resigned, which is what they were after in the first place; gratified that they got what they were after? Not in this lifetime!
    JoAn I figure your last pay, on their agenda would be Net $298.36 plus simple 10% interest should total about $303.35, if not paid within say 6 months, how about a fine of say about $2,000.00.
    Oh yes, they can mail it without pomp and circumstance.
    Or maybe you could get your lawn mowed for a "favor."
    Not interested? Gotcha! Money is better than favors, plus if the mayor kept it, maybe the city can't afford to pay her, and she is looking for what she was prorated when she left the Recorder position and became the anointed.

    1. Louella & brad s2,
      BS on the above. All Jo Anne needs to do is submit a signed
      and correct time sheet for her check!!!

      I heard and saw on channel 16 that "Watermelon Man" has
      resigned. Now if Juanita will follow suit, maybe the Council will have representation for all on the Council. So much for the "BOYCOTT". THANKS!!! to Mr. Chapman for attending this month's Council Meeting and representing his Ward-3. Looks like by him being present we are closer to getting the Dollar General Store. Ward 4 will haave Council members that will work for the City and not just against the Mayor. Or as you all call her "The Anointed One".
      Looks and sounds like Ms. McKeon is trying to get the City finances spent correctly. I believe her husband "Bob" might be some help with his knowledge of Sales tax revenue and City spending. Maybe he could be "PREPED" to be our next Mayor. This site would not support him. All they want to support is the "Bring Back X-Mayor Mitchell" factions. GET OVER IT!! it AINT GOING TO HAPPEN!!!. (AINT is in the dictionary) for those of you who like to make comments about my word selection. I am looking forward to hearing that Juanita has resigned. She is not doing anything but drawing her Council pay. We need someone that will represent Ward 2's

    2. If you're talking about Churchill's salary as the treasurer there's no need for a time sheet. Salary is owed at a fixed rate no matter how many hours you work.

      And, why is it with Shirley Johnson and now Michelle Hobbs the council should agree with whatever they wanted, legal or not? But, with Paul Mitchell the council was suppose to, and did, go against whatever HE wanted. And, don't deny it.

    3. Alex N. Der,
      The Shirley Johnson Council DID NOT agree with everything she wanted and was doing especally with the City funds.
      How many Meetings did you attend while she was Mayor?
      That is one reason she got defeated. Recalled X-Mayor Mitchell ran on a platform to reform the way the City was run. When elected he turned everything over to Juanita and Dan who ran City Hall. They did this with the blessings of the other "Bring X-Mayor Mitchell Back" suporters.
      As for the present Council agreeing with "Whatever Mayor Hobbs Wants", what about the things she brought up last meeting that she wanted passed. Were you there? If you did not attend you need to find out what went on.
      I do not know what you are refering to that the X-Mayor Mitchell Council voted against but I don't remember him bringing up anything that was good for the future of the City!!!!
      It was the "Back Room Politics" that he was doing. One instance was not letting the City police crack down on his wife's and possibly his neighborhod "DOPE DEALERS". Also, not letting them inforce the clean up ordinances. Just look around his neighborhood at the junk and burned out homes.
      Everything here is debateable for or against being the truth. Not just according to what side you are on. But in my opinion it is the truth. Every one has an opinion just like everyone has Bu_ Hol_.

    4. While Paul Mitchell was mayor Juanita and Dan weren't on the council. So, I don't get that part.

      Paul Mitchell was mayor all of 3 or 4 days and Daisy Hill is in his office complaining about how he's running the city. And, it went downhill from there.

    5. So now its Daisy Hills fought that it all went down hill for Paul Mitchell? Louella, what good would a boycott rally do if in the paper Juanita said there was never a boycott? Juanita take the high road and get out. 4 resigned, 1 won't show up and 1 that's converted to whats best for the city.

    6. I didn't say it was Daisy Hill's fault. I meant she couldn't wait for the first council meeting to try to tell the mayor how to run the city.

      The small minority of aldermen on the previous council who tried to keep Mayor Shirley Johnson legal were always rebuffed by the rest of the council, not to mention the residents. Once Paul Mitchell was mayor the remaining council members who wouldn't oppose Johnson were all over Mitchell. And yes, I do know it's true. I was at those meetings.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. Bill, P.B. or whoever: The above tells a trend or a rule? It exposes itself in every post, in every meeting, at city hall itself, by the liberal group that make up the cookie cutter society in Alexander. There is only one way, do it or "get out."
      Come on, if there are nine people at the table, there had better be nine different opinions, or someone is a clone. You debate, discuss and come to a meeting ground or agree to disagree, that’s what it is all about. Get a back bone and stand up for what is REALLY RIGHT. You don't even have to label yourself conservative or liberal, just independent, I believe you all can do it, but nor with this off the cuff, what ever the mayor says attitude.
      You have to consider ALL the facts, think THEN decide. Don't be anyone's YES PERSON. It really makes you look more ignorant.
      Have your own opinion and stand up for it - Better yet, do what you were elected to do, check with the residents of your ward and find out how they want to de represented. They probably have some pretty good ideas themselves - might make you look good!
      (Alex I did a spell chaeck and reposted, and it put the original back on. strange, huh)

    10. Louella,
      The above has some things that are right. You say that there must be discussion at the Council table. Why have you been supporting Juanita,Jack & Dan on the "NO" Boycott?
      If they were to attend the meetings a discussion could have been had. Then the Citizens could have seen what they were doing. The Council could consider the discussions and then make decisions. Not just read Juanita's side in the paper as she tells it to one reporter.
      Notice that Juanita had 2 different opinions of why she has not attended the meetings. I guess if we believe her "SHE DID NOT BOYCOTT" along with the other X-Mayor Mitchell supporters. I guess she lied to the press about the boycott. Juanita's backbone, if she gets one, would be stressed if she ""STANDS UP FOR WHAT IS RIGHT" at the Council meetings but she could stay seated. I guess not having a backbone is the reason she rides the Disabled scooter around in Wal Mart.
      After the recall, juanita, Dan tried to run City Hall.
      Juanita would tell Jo Ann when and who to pay. Dan, and
      Oscar DeLeon were put on the Check signing. Who done this??

      More later on your ccomments.

    11. Bills been at the still again.
      Louella told me she supports those elected when they do their jobs. Originally Juanita did not call it a boycott, the media did, and then people began to repeat the term. It never was a boycott; it was a "statement." Michelle made it first when she told you three not to attend the special meeting in January. No quorum, no meeting, it was legal to do so in January, it is legal in May, June and July as well. All meetings held with the fake quorum are illegal, null - void etc.
      For your information, Juanita is handicapped, approved by the state of Arkansas, she has a disabled card in her car, from a heart condition.
      She does more as a handicapped person than all of you put together - every single day. She would not approve of me telling you, but I can tell you she does use the motorized cart at Wal~mart and usually she is buying food, clothing and household items to give to persons she has found in need. She takes a lot of time and spends a lot of money sharing.
      Dan and Juanita NEVER tried to run city hall, and the most she ever said to me in the office was, "Are you almost done?"
      I called her in to type a list for you (a WMIC-2012/CCC-2013 (I love those names, I forget who coined them, but they are accurate) report, part of one of the financials) one time, because I didn't have time to do it.
      During the entire time I was at city hall, the mayor, the court clerk and I were the only check signers. Before and after, I can’t tell you except that it is now a captured signature, and can be used by anyone who can get it, it would take weeks for the city to be aware. BAD, BAD move.
      Bellyachers abound. Misleading or misunderstood, or lack of information becomes lies, anger flies, gossip is repeated as fact, when it's anything but, and facts, if they don't fit the gossip and the agenda to twist is thrown out as nonsense.
      I hate that I had to leave. I loved helping, and I know you will bad mouth that too, and make some remark about inability and money, but I've done bookkeeping a long time, no one was ever dissatisfied before, and believe me when anyone is working for $10.00 an hour, they aren't in it for the money!!!
      JoAn Churchill

    12. Bill, I do support the walk-out and the abstention of the effort made by the Aldermen, I would support yours as well if you had the capacity to think for yourself.
      I believe the council meetings running to as late as 9 pm leave no time for debate, that should be done at a workshop meeting where, as I have stated in other blog pubs, there should be no votes, public should be allowed to enter the conversation - timed and to the point. It should be discussion, debate only. The only polling should be whether to go to the next issue. All aldermen should be free to go home and decide for themselves after all necessary points have been covered.
      SO many things regarding the cars were never addressed. There is no policy (as usual) no 'closing out the old loans' before opening new ones. No public knowledge.
      You say Juanita told JoAn what to pay, how did she know, and were you there? That is nothing but a stir things up lie, not even a stretch, just plain intentionally not true. Shame on you! Didn’t you have a mother, didn’t anyone ever teach you anything?

    13. Juanita didn't call it a boycott, then why was one of the headlines on this b------t site says alderman may boycott future meetings??? Juanita made comments on this site even before they were made in the paper. So IS the editor wrong about it being called a boycott or is Juanita wrong? And remember from you all that Juanita is never wrong!!! Also why doesn't the editor of this poor excuse for a website contact any other alderman for their opinion? The reason being is because they only want to hear from 1 side. The side that never shows up!!! How can differences be resolved when you won't show up to work on them. The city of Alexander did good when it wrestled Lonny Chapman away from Juanita's big hands. He wants to serve the people, not be a yes man to Juanita. Proud of Lonny!

    14. To Peter Burns: As for getting comments from the other aldermen; this blog is NOT being run by a newspaper. It was started by the Concerned Citizens of Alexander group to take the place of printing and distributing the handouts they were using in the past. Although, there is some discussion of going back to do a paper version for those who don't have computers and the Internet.

      The purpose of the blog is to get information out to the public that wouldn't necessarily be reported by the usual entities. As an example, the mayor isn't sending the agenda to the Dem-Gaz even though its been requested. That's how secret she wants these meetings to be. Besides, this allows for interaction among the local citizenry.

      If the aldermen want to join-in under their own names and comment on a news item that's fine. Or, if they want to have discussions with the citizens on certain topics they can E-mail me a request and I can set-up the post.

      Since you seem to have connections why don't you talk it over with your gang on the council.

  9. MERCY ME!!!
    PB & Bill, where did they come from? What do they think with; that BU__ HO__ trash mouth Bill spoke of?
    Are you members of the CCC (Cookie Cutter Council?)
    Why in the world would CCC vote - NO QUESTIONS ASKED - NO DEBATE - JUST JUMP RIGHT IN THERE - EVERYBODY GETS A NEW CAR - Heck it isn't our money, go ahead, put the city further in debt.
    Had the cars been parked and limited to the city limits, which is where their jurisdiction ends, they wouldn't have gotten so torn up. (By the way that was one of the things the X Mayor tried to do for the city.)
    Did CCC debate the means? Do you realize the USDA note for the previous two cars isn't paid yet? The note for 90K give or take a few to the Street Department isn't paid yet.
    It took Andy Mullins less than a week to begin talking recall, why??? I don't get it - He and Faye campaigned for Paul.
    Paul's family problems and his health problems were a great concern to him. People he thought were his friends turned on him like a pack of mad blood sucking bats! But that is what a vein of people in this community do. I have compared the attitude of this community to where I live and work, and it is not the same by any means!
    I don't believe for a minute Paul's family or his health were at the bottom of the reason, it is something else, far more sinister. It will come out before this chapter is closed.
    Alexander can take heart, they have a friend in Alex N. Der and in Juanita Wilson, EVERYONE needs them in their corner.
    They had a good mayor in Paul Mitchell too, but evil begets evil, and we see it running rampant in Alexander today. It is our responsibility to try to focus light on it.
    That is what this blog Spot is dedicated to.
    Juanita get out??? NO, YOU get out. If someone has to go, it needs to be you.
