
Saturday, August 16, 2014

Alexander council to discuss July business at August meeting

The Alexander City Council will have much to do at its August meeting. Due to the lack of a quorum the July meeting was canceled and all agenda items were held over for the August meeting. That meeting will be held Monday, August 18 and starts at 6 PM in Alexander city hall.

The first order of business is expected to be the resignation of Brad Scott as alderman of Ward-2 position 1, which became effective 5 PM, June 16, 2014. He submitted his resignation to Mayor Michelle Hobbs in an E-mail.

June 16 was three days before the council's regular June meeting. There was no mention of the resignation at the June meeting by Hobbs and aldermen did not receive a copy of the E-mail until the week before the July meeting when it was placed on the agenda. The council must declare the position vacant before appointing someone to fill it until this year's General Election.

Two residents have submitted election petitions for that seat; Kenneth D. Miller and Stephanie Beck. Aldermen serve two-year terms and November, 2014 is the next scheduled election for aldermen statewide.

Other agenda items from the July meeting included;
  • An ordinance removing language in the employee manual that provides benefits to both employees and elected officials;
  • A resolution suspending the $800 monthly pension being received by former City of Alexander Mayor Shirley Johnson;
  • The annual ordinance establishing a five-mill property tax so it can be collected by Saline and Pulaski counties;
  • An ordinance giving the council the authority to, "[H]ire, fire and discipline other city employees (full-time or part-time) who are not department heads" and a requirement the mayor appoint department heads when a vacancy occurs;
  • A resolution reducing the mayor's salary from $840 every two weeks to $250 every two weeks and aldermen salaries from $100 per month to $25 per month beginning January 1, 2015; and
  • An ordinance increasing the number of chickens allowed per lot from six to ten.

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