
Monday, September 22, 2014

The Alexandrian adds Facebook page

The Alexandrian has added Facebook as another method that will allow residents to inform and discuss activities occurring in the City of Alexander. Upcoming community events may also be posted.

The Alexandrian blog site will still post news articles concerning government activity within the city and we still want readers to post comments on the blog site concerning those articles. The Facebook page, however, will be more like a "Letters to the Editor" section, or "Community News" section, of a newspaper allowing readers to comment and have conversations about topics not covered by the blog.

And, with election day coming this is a good time to give voters another source for information and a way to discuss various topics and the candidates. There's only one rule; keep it clean, don't make up "facts" and don't spread rumors as if they are facts.

You can access the Facebook page by clicking on the link located at the top of the right column. Like and Share it with your other Alexander Facebook Friends.

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