
Friday, October 2, 2015

Alexander council approves fire truck purchase

In a special meeting held Thursday evening (October 1), which lasted about nine minutes, the Alexander City Council approved the purchase of a used fire truck pumper at a cost of $22,500. An additional $1,000 was granted for the purchase of batteries and any other minor repairs. The vote was actually to approve adding the purchase to the fire department’s budget.

The truck is being purchased from the Federal Surplus Property in North Little Rock. It’s a 21-year-old former U.S. Navy fire truck with 77,000 miles.

This truck will replace the one repossessed in 2013. That truck was eventually sold and is still part of ongoing litigation over a combining of several lease-purchase agreements into one. For the past two years the fire department has had only one full-sized operational pumper to use during emergency calls.

Alderwoman Andrea Bearden asked Mayor Paul Mitchell if he had a plan to pay back the “$400,000 loan” if the city is ordered to pay it immediately, referring to the lawsuit.

“I’m trying to end the year with money still in the bank … in case something like that does come up,” Mitchell said. “We’re in the black.”

Bearden asked Fire Chief Mark Ridgeway for a list of what it will take to bring the fire truck up to standards and to bring the list to the next meeting. Ridgeway said the main items needed to be purchased are items that were in the old truck and never returned.

Present at the meeting and voting “Yes” were Bearden, Lonny Chapman, Dan Church, Andy Mullins, and Melissa Ratliff. Absent, which counted as “No” votes, were Stephanie Beck, Louis Hobbs and Jeff Watson.


  1. Amazing, Mrs. Bearden shows up to purchase a used fire truck but not to vote on a major grant.

  2. Because of a neighbors fire getting out of hand my home came very near burning about a year ago. Thanks to the fire department and my husband with a water hose until they arrived we only lost some grass and a couple of shrubs. So I am very happy to know that we have the fire truck that we needed so our fire fighters who risk their lives to put out fires can do their jobs better with the equipment they need.

    Thank you to everyone who had any part in making it possible for the purchase of this truck. It is so good to see positive things happening, keep up the good work. And a big thank you to all the fire fighters who keep those fires put out and our city safe.

  3. It is great when they can all agree on the same cause. Maybe it will be contagius.

  4. I appreciate the encouraging word - but don't be in shock if all you see is more evil! There has been no epiphany.
    I’m thankful for the truck and the consideration that Gator’s diligence has saved us in insurance rates. And thanks to Paul Mitchell and Ken Miller for pushing the envelope, and getting it done.
    BUT – this egotistical demanding ‘your own way, your own voice’ ever the welfare of the community is getting mighty old.
    I believe in miracles – but not from that bunch.
    Bob M.
