
Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Meadow’s Edge being used as a shortcut, city traffic increasing

Dr. Jesse Hargrove, president of the Meadow’s Edge Home Owners Association, spoke to the Alexander Planning Commission at its October 13 meeting. His comments were all traffic and growth related.

At the top of his list was the amount of traffic using Meadow’s Edge as a shortcut between Brookwood Road and Highway 111/South Alexander Road. Besides the extra traffic not related to people who live in Meadow’s Edge, speed is also an issue. Vehicles are traveling to fast for an area with children and asked about posting speed limit signs and police enforcing speed limits.

Besides the additional 300 plus homes added to the city by the Meadow’s Edge development, Hargrove pointed to growth outside the city that’s adding traffic on Highway 111. Additional homes are being built in the southern end of Shannon Hills. Highway 111 is this area’s main access to I-30.

Unfortunately, as commission members explained, some of these problems can’t be dealt with by the city; at least for now. In the case of speeding; that problem won’t be solved until Meadow’s Edge is completed and the city accepts responsibility for the streets. Currently the streets belong to the developer and they won’t be turned over to the city until Meadow’s Edge is completed and the streets meet city standards. Once that happens street maintenance and traffic control will be under city jurisdiction.

As for Meadow’s Edge being used as a shortcut, Hargrove was told the city does plan to extend Brookwood Road through what is now the former Human Development Center and connect it to Highway 111. But that won’t happen until a developer can be found willing to build the road extension in exchange for being given the property. A mostly commercial development is planned for that area.

In the case of improvements to Highway 111 and South Alexander Road, such as widening, that will fall to the state and Saline County. The Arkansas Department of Transportation is responsible for everything related to the highway, which runs from I-30 to the southern most end of the Human Development property. At that point it becomes South Alexander Road, which is maintained by the county. Whether these roads will be improved will depend on criteria established by the two government entities.


  1. Great questions also great responses. I had heard someone a few years ago stating that they were going to straighten out the curve, which curve specifically I am unaware of. Is it the one between meadows edge ans St. Joseph's again unsure. Also in regards to using Meadows Edge as a shortcut I have noticed a gate at the back entrance, could they not close that gate at least while the subdivision is still under construction?



    1. They probably could, since the developer still owns the streets. But, what would the fire and police departments do if that's the quickest way to get to an emergency? I suspect it was put there to keep people out at night when it was still dirt.

  2. Ricky, the contractors and construction workers use the back entrance, according to what I've been told. But regardless, people fly down the road using both the front and back entrance. Closing the gate is a great idea. Especially when the school buses stop at the end of both entrances rather than going through the neighborhood. So what's the purpose of the back entrance? St. Joseph's Glen only has 1 entrance. Why no Meadows Edge. That would at least cut down on traffic.
    Very good points sir.

    1. I'm not sure this would have been possible for St. Joseph's Glen, but the purpose of two entrances is to give police and fire, especially fire, two ways in if something should block their way. If something should block St. Joseph's entrance they could be screwed. Besides, wasn't it helpful to have a way to reroute traffic around the fire at the former Human Development Center.

  3. I think gate codes for Measows Edge residents only would help with extra traffic

    1. Meadows Edge is not intended to be a gated community. When the city takes over the streets they will be public streets for everyone to use.

  4. Yes, even to still be used as a drag strip as it is now.

    1. But, police will have authority over traffic control.
