
Friday, June 28, 2024

Alexander makes second attempt at Fun Park Grant; Won't be alone this time

The City of Alexander will be submitting a second grant request to fund improvements to the City Park playground. This time, however, Alexander will be using the expertise provided by the Arkansas Community and Economic Development Program (ACEDP). Also, earlier this year, the city council established the Central Arkansas Planning and Development District as grants administrator for the city.

Alexander applied for a FUN Park grant in 2023 and met all the criteria to receive the grant, scoring 32 out of 32 points. Unfortunately, Alexander was not at the top of the list when it came time to disburse the limited funds. Mayor Crystal Herrmann told council members at the time only five grant requests were approved.

The FUN Park grant is provided by the Arkansas Department of Parks, Heritage and Tourism. The grant funds 100-percent of a project with no matching funds provided by the city.

Prior to the June 17 council meeting, a required public hearing was held to discuss the grant proposal. This is the same type of public hearing held last year to discuss general needs of the city that would qualify for Federal grants. ACEDP representative Leanne Poole conducted both hearings. Alexander, on its own, had already submitted last year's Fun Park grant request.

"We had had a public hearing for the Fun Park grant package," Herrmann said. "It's almost complete. It'll be turned in at the end of August. I think it's a good one."

Herrmann provided council members photos of potential playground equipment. She said if the grant is approved they can have a workshop to discuss how to use the grant funds. (See below.)

Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Alexander City Council is July 15, 6:00 PM in the courtroom at the Alexander Municipal Complex. The public is invited to attend.

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