
Sunday, April 14, 2013

Agenda for April Alexander City Council meeting

The agenda for the City of Alexander's council meeting to be held Monday, April 15 includes;
  • The mayor's veto of the appointments of Shelly Maynard as recorder and Gordon Hall as alderman for Ward-4 Position-1;
  • Declaring the treasurer position vacant;
  • Appointment of an alderman;
  • Appointment of a recorder;
  • Introduction of the city attorney; and 
  • Public comment.

The meeting will be held at 6 PM at city hall and is open to the public.


  1. 14-43-319 states (in part) . . . the mayor AND (emphasis mine) city council may contract . . .
    since city attorney isn't even mentioned in 2nd class section (chapter 44) do you default back to chaper 43? Or just not have one? Note chapter 43 says AND not or.
    Was the city council even asked?
    Did they discuss and set salary?
    What is city policy?
    Is it on the budget?
    Who was present for the interview process?
    Why do we have two? A city attorney and a Prosecutor.
    Also Attorney's duties are set by ordinance. I don't see one on the agenda.
    Does Council have an agreed on copy of the contract?
    If the Mayor alone makes the decision, does the Mayor pay the attorney's wages out of her own salary as suggested in 14-43-407?

  2. Great questions anonymous 1 wonder if they will get answers tonite?

  3. I understand Faye McKeon and the mayor made public statements at the council meeting regarding payments that were made by me from the Police Department account to Casco, a vendor for the Fire Department.
    Now, let me be perfectly clear, I am not claiming to be perfect; I can make mistakes just like Faye McKeon does. This made me rush to my last download of records before I resigned and check.
    There is no such thing. There was no check written to Casco whatsoever during the year of 2012 to Casco from the Police Department.
    During the year 2013 1/01/2013 - 3/18/2013, I would not take responsibility for it BECAUSE the office was compromised. Michelle, Chief Walters and Officer Jackson all had Christi's copies of my keys; they had access to and were in my office daily.
    Being 'part-time' they had more access to it than I did.
    Any changes made during that period are traceable.
    6 people have copies of the back-up including the Arkansas Democrat Gazette.
    My advice is to never just blatantly repeat things you are told. Always check both sides against the facts before putting yourself into a possible liable situation.

    1. My information was that above. If it is erroneous our out of context, I apologize.

  4. JoAn,
    Thanks for finally printing that your job at City Hall and the Treasurer's position were "PART TIME".
    This brings up another question about "PART TIME EMMPLOYEES" getting and receiving pay for "COMP TIME". The same goes for SALARIED EMPLOYEES.
    Why did you pay the Fire Chief those big bucks?

    1. Fire chief and Police Chief are not salaried in Alexander. They are hourly, and it is provable, and for Jo An her job as bookeeper was a full time position, but the treasurer is a part time. Anyone who believes that the city finances could have been handled part time is nuts!!!

    2. Anonymous April 18, 2013 at 3:23 PM
      I know for a fact that the Fire Chief is Salaried.
      His salary is included in the FD Budget as Salaried a Salaried Employee. The Bookeeper IS a part time position also. And has always been. Check the ordinances that seperated the Treasurer/
      Recorder position several years back.
      In the past the City Finances have been "HANDLED" part time because the person doing the job did the JOB without "BIG BUTED" Juanita telling her what not to do. She even gave her kin folks that worked in City Hall "COMP TIME" and paid her for it. She was also "PART TIME". This was brought out ina Council Meeting last year.

    3. To Anon. 4/18/13 @ 3:23 PM (none else deserve a response.)
      "Part-Time" is in quotes for a reason. It was part time when Alexander was the original village in 2000. After annexation, the population, the work load and challenges more than tripled. It is no longer part time. If you have never done it, you wouldn't know.
      However, going from whatever the population was then, to what it is now, might be a hint. ;-)

  5. I was glad to read in today's news paper about the Alexander City Council. I guess "Shaman Jack" is afraid of all the "EVIL SPIRITS" in City Hall. He needs to UN-PLUG his nose from "BIG BUTED" Juanita's back side so he can see that she is the "BIGGEST" evil spirit of all the "MEEK SHEEP" 2 Councilmen that follow her with their "TALES a WAGGING"
    He was eleced to represent his Ward in 2010 and soon resigned soon after the EX-Mayor Paul's Father-in-Law was arrested for CHILD PORN and soon after the Ex-Mayor Paul's wife was finally arrested and JAILED for DOPE. Guess Jack thought that the EX-Mayor Paul had too many "EVIL SPIRITS" around him so he resigned. He has only attended one regular Council meeting without getting up and walking out. I am sure his Ward Voters appreciate the way he represents them. It would take a lot of "CHICKEN FEATHERS" to run off all the EVIL "SPIRITS" from around "BIG BUTED" Juanita and the other "MEEK SHEEP" that follow her with their "TAILS a WAGGING" Guess "BIG BUTED" Juanita did not want anything she said to be published in the paper so she told her "MOUTH PIECES" what to say.
    Ms. Boozer needs to get her facts straight. She wrote that Mayor Hobbs
    vetoed the 4-3 vote for Ms. be Recorder when in fact the VOTE was 4-4 because the vacant position on the Council was a "NO" vote.
    The MUNICIPAL LEAGUE ATTORNEY made this fact very clear. Mayor Hobbs did not exercise her right to an affirmative vote so the measure died. I guess Ms Boozer believes everything that is told to her by these 4
    Council members.

    1. Then why did the mayor veto the vote on the recorder position?

  6. I apologize to the readers and serious bloggers coming to this site for information. There are just some really ignorant people (like immediately above - who just don't have the intelligence to express themselves properly, or civilly.
    I respect everyone's right to their own opinion. I don't always respect the opinion, but certainly the right to have them - regardless of how ignorant they are. I do believe anyone with any upbringing at all should have self-respect enough to at least try to sound civilized.
    The above is inexcusable!

  7. I have narrowed the 'ignorant blogger' down to one of two people. It is hard to separate them because they are so nearly alike. One sits on council currently, one lost the last election. I truly hope it is the one who lost, because they certainly don't have the intellegence to run anything - most certainly not a town!
    Ms Juanita, how do you like being crowned the queen bee? ;-) You sure get a lot of credit from these clowns.

    1. One more note: TO MS JUANITA:
      This guy/gal is obviously enamored with your figure! It is all he/she wants to talk about!

    2. Louella,
      Nice word you used "ENAMORED". I have always heard that "NO-NECKED" "BIG BUTTED" women were fun to lover and be with. I am surprised that you even know the meaning of the word. After reading your bloggs it is amazing to me that you have the intelligence to use it.
      When a person looks at Juanita sitting with her legs spread apart in a slouched position what else can a person think
      about her. It is hard to picture her as a beauty queen. You are right .
      Maybe a "QUEEN BEE". "BIG BUTT" to lay eggs and a little head.

    3. ANON - do you honestly think you have anything qualifying you to be mayor? Or teacher? Or anything else that decent people could relate to? DO YOU THINK THIS KIND OF JUNK IS DESIRABLE?
      Whoever you are, you need to crawl back into you web, of woodwork, or hole.

  8. JoAn,
    I noticed in your post about the check signing that you said "I ASK CHRIST TO SIGN THE CHECKS". Did he come down from Heaven and sign them?
    If so he did not initial one of your "FORGED SIGNATURES". I don't guess he heard you "ASK" him to initial both signatures. The checks are public knowledge if you need to get a copy.
    On another topic. Why are there so many copies of the City Ordinances out with people when there aren't any in City Hall? Also, don't you think it is illegial to download City records and take them home when you are not employed there.
    The City Ordinance about the "WATER DEPT" you refered to was passed when the last annexation occured for CAW's benefit because the Saline County Water's service area was in CAW'S service area. CAW wanted to make sure the Facility Board stayed with their original service area.
    Phase 7 of St. Joseph Glen had to be brought into the City at this time also since it was out of the City.
    I did not understand your "RAMBLING" about the Water Co. & Bank don't require 2 approved signatures. I think the Water Co. requires 2 approved signatures on any of their checks that are written. The accounts with the Bank are set up this way. Usually when public funds accounts are set up at Banks they require an "authorization Resolution" be signed indicating signatures and the # required. I would think that a person that thinks She is qualified to be a Bookkeeper Or Treasurer should know this.
    You say that the reason you couldn't do the job was because of the ANNEXATION and more population. I think you were not qualified to do the job. Why did you leave the Accounting & Secretary of the Church?
    I hear you were doing the same things there.

    1. WOW! better to typo Christi with Christ than you with human.

  9. JoAn,
    You need to check your sources about what Faye McKeon commented on during public comment. I was there and she DID NOT mention any checks
    that you had written. She would not even have known who or what CASCO is. You need to check both sides of the facts before you put yourself in a LIABLE POSITION espically when you were not there.
    Why was a City office locked without the Mayor having a key? She could have paid the bills in question and got "CHRIST" to sign them. She needs access to check books in case of an emergency situation.
    Seems like you, Christi and Juanita were trying to run the City. By the way You'all that attended the Municipal League meeting during this time should have not been paid back. The entire Council should approve any expenditure for trainning. I guess the Mayor was trying to make PEACE with you'all.

  10. for your information city council members training has always been paid for by the city. Most of the time in the past ,till now, It was not even a question, because training is vital to any position, for a knowledgeable person usually does a better job. Most years all a member had to do was provide a receipt for such training and it was paid without further ado. suddenly things have changed . Wow!! wonder why? This is not a peace anything, it is doing what is commonly done.

    Some of the above (not all) is that "hate-filled" = "Root-of-Bitterness" and seems now to be reducing themselves to sheer evil. I would like to see policy for the website, maybe involving delayed publishing in order to weed out personal attacks like some of the above. The Alexandrian, the Newsletter (which is owned by Concerned Citizens of Alexander, Incorporated) was created for the purpose of sharing what actually goes on in city hall and related experiences. It was never meant for personal attacks. Whether it is one person's weight or another person's relatives - it has no business here.
    I am suggesting some restraint on their parts (some don't know what that word means, it is a sort of self discipline, trying to make yourself behave yourself) and on ours or the website's some censorship. Webmaster can determine the degree.
