
Thursday, February 13, 2014

Dollar General store open

The new Dollar General store has opened in the City of Alexander. The store is next to the post office along Highway 111.


  1. This will be more "SALES TAX REVENUE" for Mayor Michelle, Bookkeeper Ms. Ruby and Jackson to spend "ILLEGIALLY". It should be spent for what it was voted on by the Citizens of Alexander!!!! Come on Council Members make them spend it RIGHT!!!!!.

  2. Bill, you need to get in touch with reality.
    I do disagree with Council refusing business license to a company because it sells out of the area. There is so little business in town, at this point activity is a good thing and will draw others. A good reputable company at this point is a positive, It will never the the only kind of business coming in, as you can see with Dollar General; but signs of life are a positive. Let's keep the momentum going, and don't discriminate until we have to.
    Just in case you missed the last meeting, the Council did put their foot down on spending and how the taxes are distributed. It happened about the same time Ms Ruby gave her notice. Ms Ruby doesn't do the spending, michelle and is solely responsible for the spending from 11/19/2012 to the January meeting. 2014.
    Ms Ruby had "bosses" coming at her from every direction. "Working together" is not currently a city hall slogan.
