
Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Alexander City Attorney to research alleged underpayments in 2023 to newly elected officials

In hopes of settling a financial dilemma, Alexander City Attorney Chris Madison has been "directed" by council members to review the necessary financial documents in an effort to determine if three council members and the mayor were underpaid in 2023. A report on his findings is expected to be presented at the June 17 council meeting.

A resolution, approving the amending of the 2024 budget to provide those payments, was presented at the April council meeting. At the urging of Council Member Juanita Wilson, the resolution was tabled until May so council members could be provided financial documents indicating the missing payments.

According to the proposed resolution Mayor Crystal Herrmann was paid $37,456.04 in 2023 instead of $42,160.00; a difference of $4,703.96. Council members Tony Staton, Angela Griffin and Gina Thomas-Littlejohn are listed as being paid $1,100.00 in 2023 instead of the annual $1,200.00; a difference of $100.00. Council members are paid $100.00 per month no matter how many meetings are held.

All four were newly elected in the November 2022 election. Their terms began January 1, 2023.

Council Member Harold Timmerman came armed with receipts. More precisely his W-2 for 2023.

"I remember, right, everybody received $1,100 in 2023 because the 12th check is not given out until the second day of January this year, January 2nd," Timmerman said. "I've got the proof of it right here, and right now in April, everybody's already been paid $500 in four months."

"I can show you my W-3 (sic) shows the same thing, the $1,100 for last year," Wilson added.

City Hall Office Manager Jennifer Hill explained, "I'm going to add on the Proliant (Payroll) reports, the reports that you have, are the only elected officials that did not receive $1,300 a year before."

The $1,300 payment from 2022 was also brought up at the previous council meeting. Both at the April meeting and now the May meeting Wilson denied receiving $1,300 in 2022.

"Mr. Madison," Mayor Crystal Herrmann began. "I would like to come up with a legal fair way to get to the end of this discussion because there are people on this council and in our office that were under pay (sic) and people dragging this out just for punishment is tacky."

"It's not punishment," Wilson said. "It's real."

As stated above, this resolution only involves those elected for the first time in 2022. This does not affect the pay of office staff.

In other business at the May 20 meeting;

Street and Parks Supervisor resigns

Council members were provided a copy of a resignation letter submitted by Street and Parks Supervisor David Durham. His resignation becomes effective June 6, 2024.

Durham explains, "I have accrued 10.5 weeks of vacation time that I haven't taken over the years of my employment with the city." His vacation will end June 2.

As for why he is leaving Durham said, "The reasons behind my decision to leave my employment with the city is personal in nature and I have decided that the best actions I can take are to move in another direction.

"I have enjoyed my time here and working with all the fine employees of the city over the years and the residents," Durham continued. "I hope Alexander continues to grow and prosper. Thank you for allowing me to be a small part of the city's history."

New list of posting locations approved

The Alexander City Council approved an ordinance amending the list of locations where city documents and announcements will be posted. Documents include ordinances, resolutions and the announcements of regular and special meetings.

The list of places are;

1. Alexander City Hall
2. Alexander Post Office
3. Elmo's Grocery
4. Citgo Flash Mart (That's the Mobil Station along I-30 to the rest of us.)
5. Dollar General
6. Saline County Waterworks
7. E Mercado Latino.

Mayor Crystal Herrmann said the postings will be translated into Spanish for the E Mercado Latino.

Check signers approved for new account

At the October, 2023 council meeting the mayor was given approval to open an Events Checking Account to deposit donations for city events. At the recent May 20 meeting a resolution was approved giving Mayor Crystal Herrmann, Office Manager Jennifer Hill and Court Clerk Janet Guess the authority to sign checks from that account. It takes two to sign any check. They are also the designated signers for the other checking accounts.

City to make second attempt at FUN Park grant

The Alexander City Council approved a resolution allowing Mayor Herrmann to apply for a FUN Park grant. This is the second attempt at the grant. The city applied in 2023 and met all the criteria to receive the grant, scoring 32 out of 32 points. Unfortunately, Alexander was not at the top of the list when it came time to disburse the limited funds.

The FUN Park grant is provided by the Arkansas Department of Parks, Heritage and Tourism. The FUN Park grant funds 100-percent of a project with no matching funds provided by the city. Herrmann is proposing to use the grant to replace the playground equipment in the City Park.

Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Alexander City Council is June 17, 6:00 PM at the Alexander Municipal Complex. The public is invited to attend.

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