
Friday, June 14, 2024

Several items of Old and New business on Alexander agenda

Alexander Council Members will tackle several items under Old and New business at Monday's council meeting. Some have been discussed before.

Under Old Business council members, for the third time, will be presented a resolution that deals with the alleged "Underpayment" of three new council members and the Mayor in 2023. A report from City Attorney Chris Madison on the issue is expected.

There will be a review and potential vote on Ordinance 2024-06, which will amend some language in the city's zoning regulations. There will also be a report on the Freedom of Information Act request sent to the Saline County Water Works and Sanitary Sewer Public Facilities Board.

Under New Business there are two ordinances for consideration; one, a new animal control ordinance; the other an ordinance to change the position of city treasurer from elected to appointed. There is also scheduled a discussion concerning changes to the stormwater regulations and an update on the Fun Park grant.

The next meeting of the Alexander City Council is this Monday, June 17, 6:00 PM at the Alexander Municipal Complex (City Hall). The public is invited to attend.

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